Virtual machine - made cloud computing possible
VM types:
- Xen -free
- VMware - commercial, used by industry, full virtualization
- Parallels - tailored for Mac users
Amazon uses Xen, will be used by this class
Hyperviser - VM 0-layer
'Amazon web services'
single Front: multiple back ends machines doing the work
- AMI - Amazon Machine Image , it is a file on a disk
- Instance - IMA executed to become a machine
- EBS Volume- elastic block store volume, secondary storage allocated elsewhere
Various types of AMI, we will use Fedora - a version of Red Hat Linux
On-Demand Instances:
- c1. small, $0.10 per hour
- c1.medium , 2 virtual cores
- c1.xLarge, 8 virtual cores, $0.80 per hours
All resources are described at
Private cloud computing: