Possible Organisms

  • Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
    • inputs: C. saccharolyticus can metabolize various carbon sources ranging from monomers, such as xylose, arabinose, glucose, fructose and galactose to α- and β-linked di- and polysaccharides, such as maltose, lactose, sucrose, starch, pullulan, threhalose, xylan and cellulose [32]. C. saccharolyticus can also grow and produce H2 from complex lignocellulosic materials, both pre-treated, such as Miscanthus hydrolysate [2], sugar beet juice [34] and paper sludge [23], and untreated, such as wheat straw [35], pine wood [22] and bagasse
      • When C. saccharolyticus was cultivated on a mixture of monosaccharides, they were consumed simultaneously but at different rates, i.e., fructose > arabinose > xylose > mannose > glucose > galactose.
      • To maintain high growth rate conditions, cells of C. saccharolyticus should obtain optimal energy gain from the substrate to fuel both anabolism and sugar transport, and thus lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) should be kept inactive 
      • during exponential growth, H2, CO2 and acetate are the only fermentation products in C. saccharolyticus.
      • It revealed that LDH activity in C. saccharolyticus is strongly regulated by the levels of the energy carriers PPi and ATP, in addition to the NADH/NAD ratio (Figure (Figure2)2) [47]. When the cells are growing at the maximum specific growth rate, PPi levels are high and ATP levels are low, keeping LDH inactive and its affinity for NADH low. It further assures that the catabolic flux is directed to acetate and H2 (Figure (Figure2).2). However, as soon as the anabolic activity declines, the PPi/ATP ratio drops by an order of magnitude [71], which results in an increase in LDH activity as well as its affinity for NADH and hence lactate starts being formed [47].
      • It thus might be questioned whether deleting the ldh gene would improve Hyields during sugar fermentation
    • outputs: The fermentation of these raw materials by C. saccharolyticus has yielded H2, CO2 and acetate as the main metabolic end products 
  • E. Coli
  • Geobacter
  • rhodobacter
  • enterobacter
  • Clostridium thermocellum
  • The tables in this article list different bacteria with the consolidated bioprocessing approach and the levels of product they produce: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960852412015490

More synbio approaches

Important hydrogen production review article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3757257/

Another review article: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167779909000572

Overview of thermophilic hydrogen producing microorganisms (continued from Kengen et al. 2009)


OrganismDomainT opt (°C)CultivationSubstrateY H2 mmol/mmol C6

Gram positive or negative?


Thermobrachium celereBacteria67BatchGlucose3.36gram positive(Ciranna et al. 2011)
Clostridium stercorarium DSM 2910Bacteria58ContinuousLactose1.57 (Collet et al. 2004)
Thermovorax subterraneusBacteria70BatchGlucose1.4gram positive(Mäkinen et al. 2009)


Metabolic features of thermophilic hydrogen producers (modified and continued from Chou et al. 2008)


OrganismFermentability of feedstocks/polymersCCRAuxotrophy to amino acidsElectron carriersHydrogenaseaReductant sinkReferences
Clostridia (Cl. thermocellum)Starch, cellulose, lignocelluloseYesNoNADH, ferredoxinUptake, Fe-only, FNORAlcohol, organic acids, lactateJohnson et al. (1981), Desvaux (2006)
Thermococcales(Pyroccus furiosus)Maltose, cellobiose, β-glucans, starchNoYesFerredoxinMBH, NiFe-only, FNORAlanine, ethanolHoaki et al. (1994), Maeder et al. (1999), Silva et al. (2000), Robb et al. (2001)
Thermotogales (T. maritima/T. neapolitana)Cellulose, xylan, starch, cellobiose, lignocelluloseYesNoNADH, ferredoxinFe-only, NMOR, FNORLactate, alanineSchönheit and Schäfer (1995), Vargas and Noll (1996), Rinker and Kelly (2000), Bonch-Osmolovskaya (2001)
Caldicellulosiruptor(C. saccharolyticus)Cellulose (avicel, amorp.), xylan, pectin, α-glucan, β-glucan, lignocellulose, guargumNoNoNADH, ferredoxinFe-only, NiFe-onlyLactate, ethanolRainey et al. (1994), de Vrije et al. (2007), van de Werken et al. (2008), Ivanova et al. (2008), Willquist and van Niel (2012)
Thermoanaerobacter(T. tengcongensis MB4)Starch, sucrose, glycerolYesYesNADH, FerredoxinFe-only, NiFe-onlyEthanolXue et al. (2001), Warner and Lolkema (2003), Soboh et al. (2004)


CCR carbon catabolite repression

aTypes of hydrogenases—uptake, NiFe type hydrogen uptake hydrogenase, FNOR (ferredoxin:NAD(P)H oxidoreductase), Fe-only, Fe-only evolution hydrogenase, NiFe-only, NiFe-only evolution hydrogenase, NMOR (NADH:methylviologen oxidoreductase) and MBH (membrane-bound hydrogenase)


BacteriaInputs/Required EnzymesOutputPaper
E. Coli
  • Formate (from pyruvate which needs PFL)
  • FHL (formate hydrogenlyase)
Geobacter  http://aem.asm.org/content/78/21/7645.full
  • Malic acid
  • Light (photo reaction)
  • nitrogenase
  • hydrogenase
  • can be supplemented by malate



Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
  • H2
  • Acetate
  • Potential dependency on acetate
  • Produces more H2 with greater acetate concentration
  • No labels