Result or Product of this Process

This process is used by committee members who are not project resources to review RFQ submissions so that scoresheets can be prepared in advance of committee meetings.

Process Details

    • This process starts with an email notification to the reviewer that there is an RFQ that requires their review.
    • The primary actor for this process is the reviewer.
    • The process does not spawn other processes.

    On the email notification, click the Click Here link.

    The e-Builder Processes screen appears. Set your filter options as below, then click the Filter button.

    After clicking on the RFQ the in the Subject column the below screen appears.

    Each RFQ displays as below. This is a large page and is only partially reproduced here. Note the Comment button and the Attached Documents tab.

    Attached documents display as below.

    The Comments page allow you to add comments. Note the ability to Check Spelling for text entered into the text box. The text box can be expanded by grabbing and adjusting the lower right corner. Use the Add Comment Button when you are finished.

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