Civic Engagement
Center for Civic Design
Social Justice
A framework for how you approach problems
How can your work fit in here?
Targeted towards city level planning departments
Training for facilitative leadership
What is the most important question to answer
Berlin - largest table ever - answered questions
Question campaign at Chicago
Japan recovery
Cambridge Domestic Violence
Frontiers of Justice
June 13th, 2017 Session
HIVE Workshop 6/12/17
Ceasar McDowell
Jaqui Lindsay
How to widen the networks?
Think about the invisible factors. > Shaping the context > widens people’s understanding, to impact people to make a change.
-Question campaign > focus on the constitution
-Dropping knowledge, a global question campaign. 8 themes of global importance. Open source video knowledge -- could be used with Hive integration down the line.
Strength in methods in taking action
People doing great work that don’t document it:
Distinction between documenting what’s happening and doc work that they’ve done.
-Don’t have the time
-It’s a behavior change
-People don’t see what they’re doing as a value
-People need to be listened too - so they document what they know. It’s a reflection process.
-Community building enterprise: key listeners
-People are listening to people think.
DEV UPDATE-Be able to message more than 1 person at a time. Or encourage people to do their own google hangouts and record...then post to the site.
NEXT Steps>Identify 20-30 practitioners that might help create engagement > then talk about additional content.
Will need to talk about costs associated soon!