RAW Composited Notes Google Doc

Introduction to site

MIT Hive Mission

Create a digital platform for meaningful engagement between MIT community and global learners in areas of strategic impact.

HIVE/Lemelson Mission

Support scalability of JV Inventeam adoption through community of teachers sharing their experiences.

There is expressed interest in adding other MIT K-12 organizations to the HIVE site in the future

  • Think about ways to expand with k-12 groups, to separate any silos and work together

2 JV Inventeam Project Modes: *not mutually exclusive*

  1. Archive Project Model (APM): 1 teacher, 1 project, produced post-finish

    1. Goal: create an archive of member-produced artifacts

    2. Features: tips, tricks, learnings, challenges, updates

  2. Live Support Project Model (LSPM): kit-based with lots of teacher members

    1. Goal: offer teachers a live space with an open group chat

Key words:

  • Affinity groups

  • Archive Project Model (APM)

    • diaries

  • Live Support Project Model (LSPM)

  • Updates

  • Podcast

  • Uploads


Aesthetics, branding, tweaks

Immediate changes:

  • Home: Member feature - shift “countries” to “states”

  • Home: Shift “Find your next project” to Lemelson slogan/different CTA


  • Change logo (currently text) to Lemelson’s logo

  • Navbar/header color easy to change to Lemelson-branded color

  • Button color needs to fulfill usability requirements; can be changed to vibrant color (blue/orange)


Gives clear sense of mission, inviting people to create post.


Page to remain static & link back to Lemelson site - dynamic content to be integrated with Learn


Like people sorting - ‘near you’ is helpful

Member info fields: *note to HIVE team: Member objects to vary across HIVE sites*

  • Grade level

  • Classroom teaching vs administration

    • “Middle school teachers like to interact with middle school teachers; administrators like to interact with administrators; no desire for cross interaction of Affinity Groups

  • Takeaway: Identify Affinity Group factors when creating Lemelson Member Object


Topics: two high-level types of filters: Activites & Topics

  • Activities -

    • Kit-based

    • Topics within kits -> overlap & discovery when sorting

  • Topics - ‘soft’, cross-cutting concepts

    • Ex: learning empathy, teamwork, sourcing good problems, brainstorming

  • Object Types - to remain mostly consistent with Media items (videos, podcasts, courses, posts)

    • Wiggle room exists for posts - option to upload worksheets/documents

    • Option to rename ‘post’ to ‘resource’

Option to produce Podcasts:

  • Interest highly expressed; strength of individuals telling own stories, capture student/teacher energy in the moment

  • Option to produce webinars as APMdiaries’ (Link: Learn <-> Project)

Projects/Groups (renamed Act page)


  • Class type (Affinity Group)

    • Size of class

    • Project takes place during/outside of class

  • Grade level (Affinity Group)

  • Time commitment

    • Frequency of meetings

    • Length of meetings

    • Duration of project


  • Note: we may want to leave this open to see how teachers instinctively title their projects

  • Double-layered:

    • Name of school

    • Name of kit/topic

Field (open-text field) items:

  • Challenges

  • Key skills/interests needed

  • Tips & tricks

Updates will be very helpful

  • Teachers can succinctly update parents on project status

  • Single paragraph entries

  • Must be low-energy for JV Inventeam teachers

    • Spell out input: offer simple question/answer format

Update presentation design needs to be rethought so that viewers understand that there are multiple updates

Document uploads will be helpful (Learn -> Post upload; APM)

  • Allow teachers to create archive not just for other teachers, but for themselves in future years

Featured within LSPMs  “Mock-interview/diaries” would be helpful (Podcast)

  • Mad-lib style; 1 teacher, 1 project (APM)

  • 3-4 ‘diary-types:’

    • Outsider, not supported by Lemelson

    • In-school, lots of support

    • Inexperienced

    • Experienced

  • These will be most effective as a finished tool, but will be produced throughout life of project

*HIVE team to devise a solution to cross-link LSPM/APM content effectively from Learn and Project item pages

Outcome: LSPMs to be the Project Object, which would feature APMs as ‘diaries’ -> to be ‘Learn’ objects (podcasts, video diaries, posts, document/worksheet uploads)

Mobile Advancements will make teacher updates and diaries/APMs easier to maintain

Lemelson note about LSPM: Don Domes would be a great person to manage this space, respond to group messaging, create posts/videos/content items daily

Next Steps

Get Diaries into production

  • JV Inventeam teachers won’t be available until January, but experienced teachers may be incentivized to start early

Next meeting: Define the PILOT

  • Who is audience?

    • Active Members?

    • Lurkers?

  • Content direction/population plan


  • PILOT:

    • Sept/Oct: Establish look and feel - branding, establish content categories

    • Oct/Nov: Populate site with content, assign roles to Master Teachers

    • Dec/March (BETA): Populate site with teachers and assign/invite to Group/Project spaces

  • BETA:

    • Mid-January: 40 teams and JV Teacher Grantees will be integrated with site

    • Lemelson will work use site for dialogue

    • Teachers will offer site feedback


    • Summer 2018: All JV Inventeam teachers will use site

  • No labels