Hive/Lemelson Meeting Agenda (10/11)


Last meeting, recap:

Developing a Project Plan


Major topics included:

a)     Service agreement – discuss, who’s on their side, what we can do on our side, etc.

b)    Member data – export member data (CSV)

c)     User feedback channels – set up a way to get feedback

d)    Site refresh – review, create, talk to Mike and set up site and URL (in dev right now)

e)     Content types – webinars (?), posts, projects, case studies, podcasts, slides

This meeting, agenda:

Primary aims:

a)     Crystallize content strategy at a high level

-       Establish a content calendar

-       Think through a sample video object

-       Editing services, research adobe connect

b)    Get into more detail about our tags and categories for the team-project spaces

-       Review template and modify fields

-       We arrive with suggestions; we finalize fields; Ning/Mike implements (see Ning’s designs and Dev site)

-       Tags: Topics, Age Group, Setting

-       Articulate difference between Case Studies and Projects

Moving forward:


Notes from today’s meeting:

  1. Quick summary of where we are

-       Not as big into selling as into developing a community of invention educators (meta-goal); take teachers further down the journey with kids and invention; LemelsonX a place where people can share their own resources and materials

-       Should be LemelsonMIT logo, not JV

-       Tailor the “Member” area – how many states rather than countries, etc. but also countries...

-       Who manages the recent activity feed – their Content Manager - define tasks for that role

        2. Tags/Categories

-       What are themes that are popping up? Hands-On, Minds-On; JVInvenTeams – think about all the things a team would want to filter by; how we want to organize by fields/topics

-       Let’s get out there all the possible ways to slice and dice the content and then once that’s out there to start discovering patterns – how will users categorize the content

        3. Issues with minors...

-       Approval for posts? Keep it open.

-       Person publishing image has that control… There are laws against collecting email addresses, personally identifiable information, etc. – easiest way is probably to just not have any minors be able to become members

-       Reminder in new content creation: make sure that you use any psydonymns for people's names you don’t have permission to use; make sure you have permission for images; remind them of the laws; include them in the terms and conditions

-       A Designed Community of Invention Educators – by teachers, for teachers

-       *Ask Office of Legal Counsel to include a clause for terms and conditions for adult educators working k-12 for any content related to minors = action item

-       *Another way: you need to be able to become a member in order to get access to other parts of the site other than the home page

        4. General strategy/overview

-       The Learn Section – Elaine Mello…. Building 9 - great for webinars

-       The Connect Section – where teachers find other teachers, ways to set up member profile where teachers can set up what kits they’ve done, age groups they’ve worked with, etc.

-       How do we want to cateogirze content = action item

-       Act Section: Where we store the projects – figuring out what fields you want to have displayed here is an important piece = action item – “Share” rather than "Act" – Topics – Camps, Competitions, Funding, Engaging Your Community, Lesson Plans; specific projects based on themes…

-       Have another filter based on Setting, Age Group… add as many of those subcategories as you want to

-       Have teachers create a project for each sort of topic

-       “Please make sure you have permissions when you go to upload an image”


What is it the Hive hopes to get out of it?

-       Wants to understand what you and your users want the platform to do; kind of running a small experiment here, by understanding what’s missing, what we’d like to do more of, how we want to keep building the site

-       Receive the image

Action Items:


1. Think about all the different kinds of ways to "slice and dice" content - i.e., all the different kinds of tags/categories that will help organize content for both Learn Page (kits? themes? JV InvenTeam w/ subcategories) and Share Page (Age group, Setting, theme, topic, etc.). 

Goal for next meeting: Lemelson comes with their tags and categories, Hive comes with suggestions, we finalize fields --> send to Ning and Mike for design and development

2. Articulate "who's who" on their side (i.e., content manager, etc.)

3. Collaborate with Hive on content strategy



1. Include clause in Terms and Conditions that addresses the various issues involving minors being featured on the site

2. Write Service Agreement (see Lemelson Project Plan for more details) - what we can offer

3.  Also be thinking about best ways to organize content...come with suggestions

4.  Establish a content calendar/startegy once we have a better sense of how content will be organized and what sorts of content objects will be populated first

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