Resources –



Doc (PDF, powerpoint, docs)

Sound (upload to SoundCloud first, then get featured on sound)

Scratch (hyperlink)


Modules (Courses) –



Resources (PDF, Videos – embedded, Script)


Ability to embed videos

Assessments (a text, another place for resources)


Other functionality

Instance of a Module (quite similar to a course object right now – Title change to module, most other functionality is already there) – another Content Object


1)    Co-Create/Act (Shared module, a module created by more than one person) – an ability for everyone in the team to edit the description, etc. – a module that has more than one author

-       Shared administrative? Or more than one author?

2)    Camp (CIS) – like a theme almost, which unites disparate objects (modules) under one roof; people can join – a theme page like climate summit – where all modules related to this theme page live, and then a kind of sidebar where the discussion lives (each camp = its own theme page; or Camps theme page – with all camps on it)

-       Description

-       List of modules

-       Studio of projects (something students can do – upload projects, images, perhaps a video) –adapt our Project Update capability and rename it as a project (description and image) that students can add to a camp

-       Discussion (private group discussion




-       Announcements?

-       See what type of posts Users would want to do

User Profiles? Something on the site that indicates who they are (like a color or something that designates) – something on their User Page that tells them what Camps they are a part of

-       Admins = Joe and Claudia

-       Teachers – co-creators, access to modules, ability to upload projects when necessary

-       Students - ability to upload projects to Camp (potential issues with students: how to create an account for someone who isn’t creating it themselves – only one email address per user… something to think about

-       Designer – add teachers to design modules – Projects Leader type thing – designers to be MIT people or teacher in Hong Kong..  Whoever creates Camp or Module, they decide the role = inviting them to be designer with them, or inviting them to be a teacher – Teacher can become a Designer if they create module/camp – can invite others to become a part of that camp, students can only upload projects

User Hierarchy: Admin, Designer, Teacher, Student


All Designers are Teachers, not all Teachers are Designers


Difference between Teachers and Students: Teachers can create Camps and Co-Create modules – in Sign-up Process: indicate whether they’re students or teachers


Students as being camp specific – can’t upload project until they’re accepted into a camp – rights and privileges once they’re accepted – ability to upload something without having a full profile


Use site equal amount between teachers and students? Yes



Early next week – how we can roll this out, in what order


First: Module functionality ready – as soon as possible,

Second: Co-Create

Third: Camps (until they have topic for next year)

November-Dec: dev modules, design co-create, refine on boarding

Jan - live modules, dev co-create, design camps

February - live co-create, dev camps

March - live camps

End of November/December – start populating; development for Modules

January – Launching site live

Feb – Co-create feature

March – Camp feature


Branding colors/logos – do have a logo with the school, brand it with JWEL pK – 12

Hive: Start working internally, do designs, get back to them, etc.

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