Hive/Bootcamp Meeting II



Meeting Final Output

Meeting Notes and Artifacts

Designs – by mid-December

Agenda: (Exercise, Moving Forward, Designs, Moving Forward)

  1. Journey
    1. Arrive
    2. Discover
    3. Explore (decision)
    4. Engage
    5. Return?

Re-design of the site – what we’re doing with Hive, very much aligned

Point here of the exercise – get as much stuff on the board so then we can make strategic decisions


Exercise in which we name the channels:

Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)

Marketing website


Mailing List (Mailchimp)

Personal referrals

“Influencer” posts – celebrities, etc.

Word of mouth / merchandise


Connect -

A sort of map to see where everyone is in the world…

alumni engagement map (connecting alumni themselves) – alumni “reunion”

*“Event” content object

Alumni happy hour… whenever there’s an event, a post, a sign-up, etc. – Kind of like a Facebook event, etc.


Where Hive might be able to come in:

  • Alumni engagement
  • Alumni map
  • A content object for “Event” – alumni meet-ups, reunions, happy hours, etc. (kind of like a Facebook group, but on Hive)
  •  I write a post about my Bootcamp experience


Third party press/chatter – word of mouth, etc.


People have to engage in a number of places in a number of different times – a place like Hive comes in handy, it’s kind of an entity that brings everything into one places – engagement easier, also easier to track, -- private messages, marketing, etc.


Engage, then you decide – then a whole other level of engagement (in a Mooc assignment, they live in the Mooc itself)


Discovery process is a split – people who do Mooc’s don’t always end up at the content for the site


*How can we connect the Mooc’s and website in terms of content? Connect more MOOCs to Bootcamps? à Bring discussion forms from MOOCs to website


Move discussion forms to website


Easy what’s next – capture this in a document


Expanded part – admissions process


*Preserve white board post-it exercise, digitize it - 


Admissions - Push out content for how I raised money (right now people see price not as a stopper but as an opportunity…) interesting… so they kind of want to discourage applications? At least discourage those who don’t have the fundraising/money to do it


 Sending out emails to ask for -- Alumni sponsorship/business sponsorship


Schedule a whole other session having to do with admissions – what role would Hive be playing in the admissions process?


Digitize it, where Hive can intervene, how can Hive fit into this; once we have this, come up with some Mock ups… -




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