General Template 

Based on the prototype pages, the general IS&T web page has the following elements:

  • Header (contains IS&T logo, search box, quick links, top level menus)
  • Footer (MIT logo, tiny bottom menu, text & links)
  • Body
  • 0...1 Contact Info
  • 0...n Related Links
  • 0...n Announcements 
  • 0...n Tips


With the addition of the following general purpose elements, a sub-website can be created from the General Template:

  • 0...n sub-menu elements
  • 0..n drop-down menu elements, which can have:
    •  0...n sub-drop-down-menu-elements

Specialized pages, sub-classes from the General Template

Within the category of "general IS&T page" specialized pages can be created by adding sub-elements to the "Body" element, as follows:

Topic page 

  • Introduction
  • "About This Topic" Item List Block
  • "Documentation" Item List BLock
  • "Related Services" Item List Block
  • "Support Resources" Item List Block

An Item List Block is a box of content with the following elements:

  • Block Title
  • 0...n List Items, which have the following elements
    • Item Title
    • Description
    • Link

Item List Blocks are probably very useful elements to embed in body elements of general purpose pages. A "Topic Page" could then just be a General Purpose page with a set of List Blocks with the above Block Titles.

There is an example of a Topic Page in the new format here:
There is an example of a Topic Page from the current active site here: 

Service Page

A Service page  contain two layers:

  • Service Overview, which contains the following elements:
    • Overview text
    • How to Obtain
    • Price
    • Contact Information
  • Service Detail
    • this varies sufficiently from service to service that it has no regular elements

There is an example of a Service Overview in the new layout here:
and Service detail:

The same overview page in the currently active website here:
existing service detail here: 

Team Page

A team page is a simple subclass of the General Template with the following body elements:

  • Mission
  • 0...n Service Offered links
  • 1...n Team Members, each of which has the following elements:
    • Team Leader link (links to profile)
    • Role
  • 0...n Resource links (links to sub-page or external departmental website)

Team page in the new layout here:
and an existing team page:

Table Page

A table page has a body with the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • 1...n Sub-tables, each of which has the following:
    • Heading
    • 1...n Fields, each of which has:
      • Field Label
      • 0...n Field Values

Sample table page in the new layout:


A procedure page is the most elaborate of the general pages, as follows:

  • Page Introduction
  • 0...n Anchor links (ideally automatically generated from the anchored elements)
  • 0...n Procedures, each of which contains: 
    • Procedure Title
    • Procedure introduction
    • 1...n Steps, each of which has the following elements:
      • Directions
      • Result
      • 0...1 Image
      • 0...1 Tip
      • 0...1 Warning
      • 0...1 Note
    • Procedure conclusion

Steps may have sub-steps, but these are probably not worth codifying as separate elements.

An example from the new layout is here:
An existing procedure is here:

 ITinfo (dynamic) templates


The new layout has the following sample pages for ITinfo:

List page:

Product page:

version page:

article page:

There are some ITInfo page types that do not have samples in the above location:

User Group

  • No labels