* Apply for account at Maggelan: http://magellan.nersc.gov/?page_id=564
* Sign on to the forum: https://mailman.nersc.gov/mailman/listinfo/eucalyptus-discuss
* Login to web interface: https://mageuca.nersc.gov:8443/
* Upload euca2tols tool kit form http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/Euca2oolsGuide
http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/Euca2oolsGuide* list of all commands: http://blogs.plexibus.com/2010/06/17/eucalyptus-euca2ools/
in particular I followed '/Euca2oolsInstallJaunty_v1.1' for my Ubuntu VM deployment,
but skip step about updating /etc/apt/sources.list with 'deb http://www.eucalyptussoftware.com/downloads/repo/euca2ools/1.1/ubuntu jaunty universe'
I did:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install euca2ools
Check euca2ools by executing e.g.: euca2ools
should complain about missing keys but program must be found
* Generate one time keys for Eucalyptus form the interface: https://mageuca.nersc.gov:8443
upload keys to local machine in to .euca directory
Bundle & upload to Eucalyptus my VM 'from within'
* copy private key & certificate to some directory you do NOT want to distribute those with the VM image. Make sure you do not leve them somewhere else on VM - the whole world will hack you later
sudo mkdir /mnt/eucaBuild/
* copy there euca2-yourName-e3e764-cert.pem euca2-yourName-e3f64-pk.pem cloud-cert.pem eucars.csh
* set enviromental variables by source eucars.csh
* setup working directory for the bundle which will be excluded from the bundle
sudo mkdir /image
* Bundle local VM , will take 1-2 hours ..., you may need to specify the kernel & ramdisk (values below worked in November 2010). For the 64-bit VM is generated below:
>sudo euca-bundle-vol -c $EC2_CERT -k $EC2_PRIVATE_KEY -u $EC2_USER_ID --ec2cert $EUCALYPTUS_CERT -d /image -e /image --no-inherit -r x86_64 --kernel eki-AEC117E0 --ramdisk eri-175C1933 --fstab /mnt/eucaBuild/euca-vfstab
USE of existing images
* query existing images:
> euca-describe-images | grep emi | grep -i ubuntu
IMAGE emi-39DF160F ubuntu-image-bucket/ubuntu.9-04.x86-64.img.manifest.xml admin available public x86_64 machine
* create key-pair for one Eucalyptus session
> euca-add-keypair balewski-euca > balewski-euca.private
> chmod 0600 balewski-euca.private
* launch an instance you want. The default image has 10GB limit, if you need larger add '-t m1.xlarge' or even '-t c1.xlarge' for CPUs/20G memory/20 G disk.
> euca-run-instances -k balewski-euca emi-39DF160F -t m1.xlarge
RESERVATION r-470107EF balewski balewski-default
INSTANCE i-31D50646 emi-39DF160F pending balewski-euca 2010-10-22T16:05:53.609Z eki-AEC117E0 eri-175C1933
* check if instance is running (after few minutes, depends on the size of the image)
> euca-describe-instances i-31D50646
RESERVATION r-470107EF balewski default
INSTANCE i-31D50646 emi-39DF160F running balewski-euca 0 m1.small 2010-10-22T16:05:53.609Z euca eki-AEC117E0 eri-175C1933
* Set security group prior to connecting to the instance (see 'Potential problems' above - private key may be wrong.)
> euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 -s default
GROUP default
* Connect to the instance
> ssh -i ./balewski-euca.private root@
* Terminate instance
> euca-terminate-instances i-31D50646
INSTANCE i-31D50646
after ~10 seconds the same command results with nothing
notes from failing installation of euca2tol on SL5.3
- instruction page is as for http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/Euca2oolsCentosInstall_v1.1
- set system variables
export VERSION=1.2
export ARCH=x86_64
export http_proxy="http://aaa:bbb" ( do not forget the prefix 'http://')
to get 'yum' to work from BNL one needs to setup proxy be setting above - create file /etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo as in Centos instruction
in my case I hardcoded '1.2' instead of '$VERSION' because yum did not wanted to pick it up from the system variable set by the export command. It looks now like thiscat /etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo [euca2ools] name=Euca2ools baseurl=http://www.eucalyptussoftware.com/downloads/repo/euca2ools/1.2/yum/centos/ enabled=1
- execute
yum install euca2ools.$ARCH --nogpgcheck - Problems
- bundling would quit after ~15 minutes of work with the message:
euca-bundle-vol -c $EC2_CERT -k $EC2_PRIVATE_KEY -u $EC2_USER_ID --ec2cert $EUCALYPTUS_CERT -d /image -e /image --no-inherit -r x86_64 --kernel eki-AEC117E0 --ramdisk eri-175C1933 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.131823 seconds, 8.0 MB/s ...... ...... ...... Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (32768 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done This filesystem will be automatically checked every 27 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs \-c or \-i to override. Unable to copy files
- edit python script /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/euca2ools/_init_.py
look for line 1013 and add "print output" so it looks like:Then you'll see what's causing problems and exclude it.if output[1]: print output raise CopyError
- in my case it was ~3 screen-dump
Which means I should 'disable selinux' by execution of the following command
('', 'selinux: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/avc: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/booleans: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/.access.5oRT2N: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/.checkreqprot.b5ebHI: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/.commit_pending_bools.1c9ulD: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission denied\nselinux/.compat_net.JYYQZx: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr security.selinux failed: Permission .....
echo 0 >/selinux/enforce - I run bundling again and got one more error mentioning
The solution to that is to exclude /var/run/cups from bundling by adding
*-e /var/run/cups * in to euca-bundle-vol command - now bundling finished successfully
After which I have enabled back selinux
...... ...... Part: image.part.130 Part: image.part.131 Part: image.part.132 Generating manifest /image/image.manifest.xml
echo 1 >/selinux/enforce
- edit python script /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/euca2ools/_init_.py
- bundling would quit after ~15 minutes of work with the message:
SCRATCH -------------------------------------
euca-register -a $EC2_ACCESS_KEY -s $EC2_SECRET_KEY --url $EC2_URL jan7-Sl5.3-x86_64-12GB-external-build/image.manifest.xml
-bash-3.2$ ls -l /global/common/carver/tig/euca2ools/1.2/bin/|grep key
For 32-bit image change kernel to:
>sudo euca-bundle-vol -c $EC2_CERT -k $EC2_PRIVATE_KEY -u $EC2_USER_ID --ec2cert $EUCALYPTUS_CERT -d /image -e /image --no-inherit -r i386 --kernel eki-B15217F6 --ramdisk eri-19791933
Part: image.part.245
Part: image.part.246
Part: image.part.247
Generating manifest
* uplad bundle to Eucalyptus with name 'star-vm-SL10c-ubuntu-i386', will take many hours depending on connection & total size
> sudo euca-upload-bundle -a $EC2_ACCESS_KEY -s $EC2_SECRET_KEY --url $S3_URL --ec2cert $EUCALYPTUS_CERT -m /image/image.manifest.xml -b star-vm-SL10c-ubuntu-64bit
Uploading part: image.part.246
Uploading part: image.part.247
Uploaded image as star-vm-SL10c-ubuntu-i386/image.manifest.xml
* register 'star-vm-SL10c-ubuntu-i386' with Eucalyptus
> euca-register -a $EC2_ACCESS_KEY -s $EC2_SECRET_KEY --url $EC2_URL star-vm-SL10c-ubuntu-64bit/image.manifest.xml
IMAGE emi-344D1244
Potential problems:
- synchronization of local clock, can be fixed with command
> sudo ntpdate hickory.nersc.gov - check if key-pair generation succeded, list content of 'balewski-euca.private' if it does not look like a valid key and you can't find the old key you can remove the old public key from Eucalyptus using command euca-delete-keypair
- if you can't ssh to a custom made VM and see the error
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
verify the ssh server is running on a local copy on this VM by typing:
ssh localhost
If you see the same error install ssh server- on Ubuntu do:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client - ssh fails: check content of the console: euca-get-console-output 'image-id'