Project Updates

The FileMaker interface is completed, and Joyce Bedi has begun to annotate the notebooks. (03-03-09)

Update 2009-01-13

Database Status: All records for Notebooks, Pages, and Image Files have been loaded.  Student workers are editing Page and File records in advance of sending the database to Joyce Bedi.  They should finish next week.  At that point the database should be complete and ready to send to Joyce.  Arrangements for sending the database to Joyce along with the image files need to be made.  It might be easier to leave the database up on the libraries filemaker server and just provide Joyce access to the database via VPN and certificates.

Rob is working on a final version of the metadata crosswalk, and will post it here.

Notes from August 1, 2008 meeting

We clarified that there are only two authoritative sources of metadata:
Dome (notebooks and other items in the Archives collection) and Mimsy (photos, negatives, films, (videos?), digitized films, and other items in museum collection). TechTV is not a source of metadata since the metadata for the videos served through TechTV will be retrieved from Mimsy. The Online Archive application will not duplicate and store metadata from Dome and Mimsy, but rather query it at run time.  We will need to insure that the metadata for each item in TechTV includes an identifier that will permit retrieving its authoritative metadata from Mimsy. We will not "homogenize" the different metadata schemes, either by forcing them into a restricted use of Dublin Core, or by writing custom application code that hides the differences in metadata categories from the user.  Rob proposed that since Dome was already using Dublin Core, he would programmatically convert a subset of the Mimsy hierarchical metadata scheme to Dublin Core.  The Online Archive would then ingest Dublin Core from both Dome and Mimsy.

Rob has created a TEST collection in Dome for Edgerton:

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Go to the Libraries Working Wiki for detailed information about the digitization project.


  File Modified
Microsoft Word 97 Document EOP topic categories.doc Oct 13, 2008 13:47 by Suzana Lisanti
PDF File Whiteboard-10-22.pdf Oct 30, 2008 13:36 by Suzana Lisanti
Text File edgsubjects.txt Nov 24, 2008 17:08 by Ariel Weinberg
Microsoft Word 97 Document edgertonmetadatav0p1.doc Rob Wolfe's metadata crosswalk Jan 28, 2009 09:31 by Peter Wilkins
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