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/* Font Definitions */ @font-face

Unknown macro: {font-family}

/* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal

Unknown macro: {mso-style-parent}

p.MsoFooter, li.MsoFooter, div.MsoFooter

Unknown macro: {mso-style-link}


Unknown macro: {mso-style-name}

@page Section1

Unknown macro: {size}


Unknown macro: {page}

/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable

Unknown macro: {mso-style-name}

Comments by Barbara Goguen:

Pulse Group and customer interviews are currently taking place.

The next IS&T CSS All Hands Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 28, 2010.

Would like the group to be as interactive as possible.

Engagement – get people’s ideas more.

Not use the same format as we do for the last IS&T CSS All Hands Meeting

Pulse Groups have 4-6 questions cut up answers and give to another Pulse Group to see ideas and give their feedback.  Allow to talk about things in a freer way.  Thinking about how to do this.

Short  list of questions and do Pulse exercise at the CSS All Hands Meeting on 1/28/10?

Challenge is population is large – approximately 80 or more people.  It is a challenge to summarize that many questions/answers.

Not sure if the Pulse exercise fits the large size of CSS Group.

Want to get CSS Group more involved.

Not do reporting out and get person with question to meet with one group and discuss solutions or have multiple tables discussing same question.

Irina Vainstock suggested sending out questions before the meeting and have someone collect all the answers and put it together for the All Hands Meeting on 1/28/10.

It would be ideal to let people submit answers anonymously.

Six tables – 1.5 hours discussion about the questions.

Mingling around and float from table to table to discuss various answers.

Know what we are fishing for?  After fishing, what is the next step?

The next steps will be presented and there will be some follow up.

Already understood – articulate more a sense of the problem and the next step(s) to do after we get our arms around the problem.

Task Force recommendations – For something like this when Sponsors and Client give feedback. Is our role to inform and implement or take a position and advocate that position?  Is IS&T a relationship management role?

Task Force reports can help us come up with good concrete question to tackle.

Mix the groups up so people in IS&T that do not work together – have a chance to tackle the questions together to find the solutions.

What do we come out with from the Task Groups?  Do we get a sense of the organization?

Implementor of MIT or strategizer and implementor rather than a planner?

Hope to figure out where IS&T is.  What is our role – more support or does MIT tell us what to do and we do it? Broad spectrum sense of where folks see themselves and IS&T.  We can do some research around that.  Submit ideas to Goguen by this Friday (1/8/2010).

Budget – Anne
·        Anne distributed a CSS FY11 Proposed Budget Summary Sheet & CSS Budget & Funding Source FY06-F11 Sheet
·        Anne reviewed reductions, risks, assumptions for CSS & IS&T
·        The Finance Team is currently working on a budget letter for Friday (1/8/10)
·        The group reviewed the details of both handouts
·        IS&T was asked to reduce its budget by 6 million overall in 2 years – a lot has been done but not enough yet
·        The Finance Team has been charged to look at the organization for common standards that can be implemented such as:  food for meetings, travel, professional development (the IT Leadership Program will not be funded)
·        CSS has reduced outside trainers, reduced print paper
·        The budget needs to be entered in NIMBUS in the Spring
·        The major expense remains people
·        If you look at trends the GIB is decreasing and TNIS and Revenue are not increasing
·        In CSS open positions have been closed and people have not been hired
Q:  How much further do we have to go for F11?
·        It’s being looked at from IS&T perspective.  We are more than ∏ way there.
        Q:  Is there a 1 page view of IS&T not just CSS?
·        Anne is working on it.
        Q:  At some point can we have a better explanation of TNIS?
·        Anne is working on that and is open to answer questions.
Next Steps
·        The group felt that these documents are not confidential but should also not be distributed widely without any explanation or discussion
·        Trust that they will be used in the right context
·        Project Management will be part of next month’s agenda

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