DOS Common Metadata Elements at the Resource/Item/Materials Level
Common Name |
Cardinality |
Datatype |
Definition |
Usage Notes |
Example |
Identifier |
1 and only 1 |
A globally unique, persistent expression associated with the Resource. |
Each repository will assign an identifier to the resources within its collections. Resources are individual components of a course. Resources in different repositories that contain the same content are not considered identical and should not share identifiers, however, they should reference each other via the identifiers assigned by each repository. Both DSpace and OCW use URIs as resource identifiers, Stellar should adopt a similar practice. | |
Title |
1 and only 1 |
String |
The name given to the Resource. |
This name should be taken from the Resource itself, whenever possible. |
Packing of Secondary Structures |
Description |
1 and only 1 |
String |
A textual description of the content of the Resource. |
Whenever possible use abstracts or other descriptions found on the resource. |
Lecture presentation on global supply chains and competition across the China Straits. |
Status |
1 and only 1 |
Controlled Vocabulary |
This represents where the resource currently resides and the state |
We need to come up with the vocabulary. When the resource in Stellar - Created, Being Taught OCW - Unpublished, Staging, Published Library - archived |
Contributor |
1 or more |
Agent |
The name of a person or organization that has contributed to the preparation of the Resource. |
Authority Control should be provided in choosing the form of the contributor's name. Each assigned Contributor should be paired with a Contributor Role element that appropriately characterizes the contribution. There are four kinds of Contributors: Creato |
Lakhani, Karim |
Publisher |
1 and only 1 |
Agent |
The name of the course-content system in which the Resource was produced and disseminated. |
MIT OpenCourseWare |
Publication Date |
For each Publisher 1 and only 1 |
DateTime |
The publication date for the Resource. |
This element accompanies every Publisher element. Its value is the date the Resource was first published by MIT OpenCourseWare and should conform to the ISO 8601 date format standard. |
8/25/2008 |
Credit |
0 or 1 |
String |
A brief description of the allowance under which a resource is included in MIT OpenCourseWare publications. Usually identifies the person or organization that has granted usage rights to MIT OpenCourseWare. |
This element applies primarily to image resources, but it is applicable to any resource that is used by the permission of it's rights holder. This element is often used to satisfy attribution requirements for the use of a Resource. |
Photo by shinyai on Flickr. |
Language |
1 or more |
ISO 639-1 |
The languages in which the Resource is taught. |
Values for this element should conform to the ISO 639-1 standard for two letter encoding of languages. Two letter language codes may be supplemented by an additional two letter code for the country of origin. Follow the format used in the example. |
en-US |
Aggregation Level |
1 and only 1 |
Controlled Vocabulary |
The granularity of the Resource in the OCW content model. |
Use the IEEE LOM defined controlled vocabulary for this element. In that vocabulary there are four allowable values “4”, “3”, “2”, and “1”, where 4 = Course, 3 = Section, 2 = Resource, 1 = Object. The value of this element for Resources will always be “2” |
2 |
Location |
1 and only 1 |
The url at which the Resource may be found. |
This element should always start with “http://” and contain the full address. |
Format |
1 and only 1 |
Internet Media Type |
The MIME type of the Resource file. |
application/pdf |
Size |
1 and only 1 |
Non-negative Integer |
The size of the Resource in bytes. |
The value of this element should be automatically populated. |
74611 |
Technical Requirements |
0 or 1 |
String |
A textual description of software and hardware requirements for consuming the Resource. |
If applicable, one field should aggregate all requirements that may apply to the Resource. The requirement declarations should conform to the vocabulary of such statements. |
Scheme software is required to run this .scm file. |
Educational Context |
1 or more |
Controlled Vocabulary |
The MIT level of study for which the Resource is appropriate. |
This element is governed by a controlled vocabulary. Resource metadata should inherit values for this element from the metadata for the Course(s) to which the Resource belongs. This element should always be used in conjunction with a lom:lom/educational/c |
Undergraduate |
Learning Resource Type |
1 and only 1 |
Controlled Vocabulary |
The type of Open Educational Material |
The value of this element should conform to the OER Commons Material Types vocabulary: Activities and Labs, Assessments, Audio Lectures, Curriculum Standards, Discussion Forums, Games, Homework and Assignments, Lecture Notes, Lesson Plans, Readings, Simul |
Video Lectures |
Rights |
1 or more |
String |
The statement of copyright associated with the Resource. |
The OCW copyright statement should be standard for all Resources and identical with the example provided. |
How can we define and communicate rights in common level? This is more a Policy level question in MIT level. |
License |
1 or more |
CC License (URI) |
The URI for the Creative Commons license associated with the Resource. |
This value should always be """" |
Relation Kind |
For each Relation 1 and only 1 |
Controlled Vocabulary |
A characterization of the kind of relationship identified by the Relation element. |
This element should accompany every Relation element. Values should conform to the Dublin Core relation element refinements:,,,,,,,,,,,,, . This element should always be used in conjunction with a lom:lom/relation/kind/source element whose value is “”. | (for older version of the Course) |
Course |
1 or more |
The URI for the Course to which the Resource belongs. |
This value should be autopopulated. | |
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2f7202f5-0d37-47d9-8fb8-503d15b5989d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ |
Relation (to other Resources) |
0 or more |
The URI for a Resource related to the one described in the metadata record. |
Each assigned Relation should be paired with a Relation Kind element that appropriately characterizes the relationship. Examples of related Resources include, but are not limited to: homework assignments and their solutions; homework assignments and stude |
[URI scheme for resources is necessary.]" |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
0 or 1 |
String |