February 10, 2011
- get agreement from Steve and others that other groups share responsibility and ownership in projects we work with them on; look into incorporating this into our scope statement
- research main bins
Darcy: research trash cans
Stephanie: research cord management
Lisa: order name tags for spaces
Everyone: look at potential chairs for UX space
December 9, 2010
Stephanie/Roshni: PFAD - summarize the results a little more and send out to UX; find a place on the UX wiki to put this.
Darcy: WorldCat - add to UIG agenda - get rid of beta (labeling on site and take off betas page), think about how we want to position it (invite Stephanie, Cassandra, Melissa); follow up with marketing group
Rich/ChristineQ/Nina: WorldCat - determine/document technical support
LisaH: revise UX FY11 Goals
Everyone: Fill out lotus blossom charts for Lisa (kept in UX space)
October 14, 2010
- Put stars in the Goals for UX brainstorm page for Space and Virtual Sites: - DONE https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/LIBUX/Goals+for+UX+brainstorm
- Convene fast acting team for loaning new devices (iPads, Kindles, etc.) with Lisa H, Lisa S, & Stephanie. Include Ellen & some IDLA folks in the discussion. Get back to Christine about retiring the oldest Kindle.
- Add to next agenda: experimenting in UX with various devices (iPads and beyond) and giving Libraries staff the option to borrow devices
- Add to future agenda: helping selectors figure out which ebook packages are best for users (ebrary vs. NetLibrary, etc.)
- Add to November or December agenda: discuss Patron for a Day outcome & next steps
- Set up meeting with various departments to talk about ideas for the user needs study. (DONE). Then convene Lisa H, Lisa S, & Stephanie to figure out how to proceed.
- By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for "Goals for UX "
Add a section for Virtual Sites category. Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section. (Goals are broad.)
Lisa H:
- By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
Add a section for Assessment category. Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section. (Goals are broad.)
- By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
Add a section for Marketing category. Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section. (Goals are broad.)
- Send Patron for a Day email on Monday or Tuesday (10/18-19)
- By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
Add a section for Space category. Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section. (Goals are broad.)
Sept 9, 2010
- see notes here:
August 11, 2010
Notes from user needs brainstorming exercise
- If you have ideas for emerging tech subgroup to explore, let Nicole know. (Ideas: text reference, e-books, etc.)
- Tell Nicole if you're interested in attending the CLIR workshop about faculty user needs studies in September.
- Idea to get students' input: do brain-writing exercise with students
- Send reminder to Nicole to put on UX agenda: how to represent library spaces on web site
- Set up meeting with Nicole about App Maker
- Make sure that staff members know about SCVNGR tour
- Ask Heather to put on next marketing agenda: Interviews with different staff members or happy customers to post on web site.
Lisa S:
- Email Nicole with idea about lecture series.
- Carry on with Patron for a Day and have exercises ready to test by next UX meeting. (Or email group, if better.)
June 10, 2010
- Think about communication plans for all-lib
- Share results of task execution/Patron for a Day in early October with staff in a brown bag session.
Emerging tech group for fall: Remlee, Stephanie, Bill (& Noel)
- Buy a couple of Flip video cameras to use for studies.
- Segment agenda page to add a parking lot area.
- Invite Noel to be part of Emerging Tech group for fall.
- Write bullets for RPPT message. Will send to group to edit.
- Talk to Christine Q about which of her staff have time to work with us.
- Draft Google spreadsheet to record and display projects for UX and UIG
- Prep for ebooks reading meeting
- Develop list of tasks to accomplish in spaces. Work with 2 people from Christine Q's group. "Patron for a Day"