User Tests

User 1: Affiliated Freshman who orders out often


  • User 1 is a freshman living in Burton Conner. He does not have a meal plan, and shares groceries with his two roommates. He is also a member of a frat and sometimes eats there. He orders out food fairly often, probably at least once a week on average. He observes that he sometimes spends too much money on delivered food. 
    • He was a friend and had many of the characteristics of the user population.


  • View Meals page
    • Didn't realize that to select only 1 food group on the View Meals page's toggle bar, he had to deselect all the other options. Instead, he just clicked on the 1 food group that he wanted (vegetables), and was confused when he didn't see meals with only vegetables being shown
      • Solution: Make an "All Food Groups" toggle bar that is automatically selected. This bar should be visually separated from the rest of the food group bars. Clicking onto a food group bar will just select that food group, and deselect the “Add Food Groups” bar. 
      • Then, when you select a toggle, have it select only meals with items in that food group.
    • (Bug) Would like to edit meal items for the meal being clicked on, not a generic "Shredded cheese" entry.
  • Groceries page
    • Noted it is not immediately clear how to add an item, since you have to add to the bottom of the list.
      • Solution: Ideally, add to the top of the list and push items down. A quick fix would be to add an “Add Item” button that scrolls the list down to the bottom.
  • Analytics page
    • He was a little confused by the two lines for “total” and “breakfast” showing up together.
    • Remarks: This could be due to a backend problem, as the two lines on the graph were the same and overlapping.The data indicated that all meals have been breakfasts.

User 2 Testing (freshman in a fraternity)


  • Our second user is also a member of a fraternity, but he regularly eats at the fraternity house. Food is provided by the house chef. He exemplifies a different portion of our user population than our previous subject.


  • Task: View Vegetables from past week
    • He saw the “vegetable” filter, and clicked it. He immediately realized that he had just deselected the vegetables, and unselected all of the other tabs
  • Task: Adding a meal
    • He first clicked on the “today” button
    • Then he attempted to click on the calendar under the lunch section where he wanted the meal to go
    • Finally, he found the add-meal button
    • He didn’t have any problems filling it out. He clicked the add-item button, and then added another item
    • He understood how to add multiple items without explanation
  • Task: Adding groceries
    • “It’s not clear how to add an item”
    • “Oh, it’s at the bottom”
    • He entered a name for an item and pressed the enter key
  • Task: Viewing analytics
    • He went to the analytics page and said “I’m looking for either ‘month’ or ‘breakfast’.”
    • He expressed confusion as to why there were two calendars
    • He then clicked the “Meals” toggle, and figured everything else out.
  • General comments
    • He thought the nav buttons were really nice
    • Adding groceries was confusing; you don’t see buttons until you scroll down
    • You should be able to click on the calendar to add a meal (like Google Calendar)

User 3 Testing (sophomore who cooks for herself)


  • This user lives in a dorm and often cooks for herself. She was sought out because she represents a different section of our user population than either of the previous user testers.


  • Task: View Vegetables from past week
    • Understood immediately that clicking on a label deselects it, and immediately deselected all but vegetables
  • Adding a meal
    • Tried to click on the “lunch” box on the calendar
    • Then found the “Add Meal” button
    • “[She] thought that [date] would automatically go” (she thought the form would auto-complete the date)
    • She didn’t click “Add Item” before saving the meal
    • She thought it was weird that a blank entry showed up on the calendar, but it was explained away and she moved on
  • Adding groceries
    • She looked for an “Add Grocery” button, similar to the “Add Meal” button from the previous page
    • She then went back to the “Meals” page and asked if she can add items from the “Add Meals” form
    • She then went back to the Groceries page and figured it out
  • Viewing analytics
    • She quickly figured out that she needed to press the “Meals” toggle and select the date range in the calendar
  • General comments
    • “You should put ‘Add Item’ on the top or side [of the Groceries page]”
    • You should also be able to click the square to add a meal
    • And it should auto-complete the meal type and date
  • No labels