The GSC & UA want to make sure that graduate student opinions are represented in the selecting as the next President.  As you may already know, students play a signficant role in selecting the next President and you should care!
Why should you care?
The MIT President has significant authority in shaping the academic, research, education, and residential priorities of the Institute.  A few themes under the President that you may be interested in:

  • The future of MIT Education (i.e. MITx) 
  • The graduate student experience
  • Academics/Research v. Student Life
  • Campus Space Planning & Infrastructure
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration & Interaction


Still not convinced...

MYTH:  The role of the MIT President has very little effect on me.

Not true. From increasing stipend levels to establishing graduate student health care, the MIT President has played a significant role affecting the lives of graduate students.


MYTH:  My input doesn’t matter, nothing is going to change.

Not true. This is a rare and valuable opportunity to shape the priorities of MIT.  The input of students have been significant in shaping the selection and priorities of the previous MIT President’s during the selection process


MYTH:  Participating takes too much time and and I have other more important work.

Not true. If you cannot participate in a forum, submit your thoughts online:

What we want?   We are asking students to participate in the forums (listed below) to help identify important issues facing the next MIT President, qualities our next MIT president should possess, and potential candidates.  
The remaining forums are listed below; each forum will be 90 minutes long (though you can come for as short or long as you like)
Thursday   3/15   6pm       in Walker Memorial (Pritchett Dining Hall, 50-258) Monday      3/19   12pm    in 5-134 Tuesday     3/20   12pm    in 3-442 Tuesday     3/20   530pm  in E51-376 Thursday   3/22   730pm  in the Student Center (W20 Lobdell Dining Hall)

More information is available online:



Alex J. Evans
Graduate Student Council
Massachusetts Institute of Technology