Platform & Software Requirements

The site should work with any operating system, but has been tested with Mac OSX and Windows 7.

The site should be viewed using Chrome.

Screen resolution should be at least 1024 x 768.

Starting up the Prototype

Our site is available at:

Please email 6.813_ski_school_scheduler (at) if you're having trouble viewing the site.

Description of the Prototype

The focus of our prototype is the calendar page.  Assume that it is the state of the instructor's calendar after their initial request for the entire season has been approved.  You will be able to log in to the prototype with the following username/password combinations:

  • dsmith/dsmith (administrator)
  • jjohn/jjohn (administrator)
  • hjaminson/hjaminson (regular instructor)
  • sseaborn/sseaborn (regular instructor)


  • The "submit request"/"submit" buttons currently simply redirect to the home page.  They do not make persistent those changes the user makes to the calendar.  This means that every time the calendar page is revisited, the user will see the same canned data.
  • Currently, it allows users to schedule disciplines that don't exist during a given shift.  For example, Child Ski is never taught at Night, but the prototype allows the user to schedule Child Ski for the Night shift.  (Eventually, we plan to disable the buttons as needed to prevent users from scheduling disciplines that don't exist during a given shift.)
  • The accept/reject radio buttons do not do anything right now.  Eventually, clicking on accept/reject will update the calendar view accordingly.
  • No labels


  1. I like your interface. It is very simple and generally very usable. The bulk of my comments stem from an (in my opinion) awkward choice of metaphor: paining a selected mode onto the calendar. I'm looking forward to seeing what this tool will grow into by the end of the semester. 

    I think it's neat that your prototype allows different users to log in - it allowed you to demonstrate a lot of functionality without making me create schedules. 

    I found no reportable bugs. One notable confusion is the administrator's calendar. I assume it is supposed to show the union of all instructors' calendars. This may not be the correct interpretation, but I found no evidence to suggest otherwise.

    My evaluation is attached.

    1. Thanks for your feedback!


    2. Unknown User (

      Sorry!  I accidentally overwrote your pdf and had to replace it from the uploads history.

  2. Unknown User (

    See here for my evaluation: HW-2.pdf.

    1. Thanks for your feedback!

    1. Unknown User (

      Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Unknown User (

    "Wiki presentation
    : Concise and complete. Good!
    Fidelity: In general, nicely managed visual complexity.Using a different font might be a good idea.Icons could benefit from having a simpler look.
    Usability: - What to show for admin accept/reject: is it intuitive?
    - A scroll bar should be applicable only to the region that's scrollable. Currently it stretches all the way to the top.
    - The icon for 'back to normal cursor' should be more clearly noticeable.
    - Not sure if Submit button's current position is the best one.
    - With icons on the left, users might be tempted to drag. Providing a clear affordance for clicking as opposed to dragging maybe?
    - Great visual feedback in cursor. Nice use of color scheme.