
In order to make this site more useful to all, here are a few tips on how to use this site and how to make a Wiki blog post so others will be able to find the information they need. This should make the system more user friendly for all.

How to use this site to find information

Labels heatmap:

In order to find information that you want, look at the bottom of the home page for the specific labels containing the words that you are interested in. For example, if you want to learn about how to process raw fastq data from an Illumina library, you might start by clicking the Illumina label at the bottom of the home page.

Theme pages:

Alternatively, there are some theme pages which list all posts that have a particular theme. You can go to the Bioinformatics link on the left had site of the home page to get to this page. This page lists all of the posts with the Bioinformatics label. Look through all of those posts.

Search box:

You can also search the whole Wiki from the search box at the top right.

How to add information to this site

Blog posts:

The easiest way to have the pages be self-organizing is to input your information as blog posts and use the appropriate labels. When choosing labels to use, consider each word as a meaningful label (if you want to put a space in a term like 16S library use an underscore as 16S_library since library in itself might not be the most useful term). Try to use labels that other have already chosen if possible but add new labels if it seems appropriate.

Theme pages:

In addition to the list of all labels on the front page, it might be nice to make pages that have similar themes. Some of these major themes are already there, but feel free to add a theme when it is appropriate (for example, if there are any sampling protocols, we might want to make a field work page or something).

Additional Information:

For those of you who have interest, explore all of the options available on the Wiki, which includes calendars and the like. If you have a need, please use these tools to increase the utility of this site.

How to make a blog post

It's easy to make a blog post. Just go to the top right hand corner of any page where it says "Add" and choose "Blog Post". The great thing is that you can add attachments, links and images to the post with the insert button. There are also a lot of great macros to choose from if you have something specific in mind you might be able to find one. But, most importantly, you should add the labels at the bottom under "Labels:". This is an important step in order for the site to be self-organizing and for information to be readily accessible to others. You can add pages as well, but this might take some organization. Pages and blogs seem to me to be identical in the way they are created, so the same things apply if you want to make a page.

Thanks for sharing your expertise with the group!