This page should help you answer three major questions:

  1. Which code do I need to use?
  2. How do I get it?
  3. How do I use it?

Codes are divided into the following categories:

Code Family


Atomistic Simulation

Tools to perform ab-initio, density functional theory (DFT), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of materials

CAD & Meshing

Tools to make computer drawings and models (2D & 3D) of whatever you want. These include tools for creating line drawings, solid models of 3D objects, and creating meshes on 2D & 3D models for input into other finite element solvers.

Data Postprocessing & Visualization

Tools to help extract useful data from large datasets, and to help visualize complex sets of data

Fluid & Heat Transfer

Tools to model fluid and energy transfer through materials and systems

Materials & Fuel Performance

Tools to model the performance of materials, corrosion, chemistry, and radiation damage

Reactor Physics

Neutronic analysis tools, for steady state, depletion, fuel shuffling, accidents, and reactor operation

General Solvers, Libraries, and Interfaces 

General purpose frameworks, libraries and interfaces to help get other things done;  multiphysics frameworks that apply to many different types of problems

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