GR3 - Paper Prototyping
Table of Contents
[ 1Table of Contents ] [ 2User testing ] [ 2.1Briefing ] [ 2.1.1User role 1: Doctor ] [ 2.1.2User role 2: Nurse ] [ 2.2Scenario tasks ] [ 2.2.1User role 1: Doctor ] [ 2.2.2User role 2: Nurse ] [ 2.3Observations ] [ 2.3.1Notes ] [ 2.3.2Analysis ] [ 3Prototype documentation ] [ 3.1Prototype photos ] [ 3.2Iterations ]
User testing
User role 1: Doctor
You're a doctor
User role 2: Nurse
You're a nurse
Scenario tasks
User role 1: Doctor
- Select patient Mohammed
- You want to prescribe 100mg Aspirin every hour for the next four hours
- You need to make sure that the patient is not already taking aspirin
- You need to remove any other medications that the patient is taking
- You need to ensure that the patient is not allergic to aspirin
- You need to verify that the task was accomplished
User role 2: Nurse
- You want to check in on patient Mohammed and determine if he has any upcoming medications
- You need to administer the medication to the patient
- You need to indicate that the medication was administered
- You need to verify that the task was accomplished