GR4 - Computer Prototyping

Software Requirements:

This prototypes uses html, js and bootstrap. Testing the prototype only requires to open the URL below in a browser.

Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Safari. OS: Ubuntu, Windows, Mac OS.



This UI has been designed to allow the New England Aquarium visitors to buy tickets, find information about locations and events. Please navigate through the computer prototype to find usability problems.


  • This UI is meant to run in mobile devices. For this reason it has been designed to be inside a small rectangle.
  • The "Map" site will include little icons about animals and events over the map. This way the user can click in the icon and go to a page with the "search" layout.
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (

    • Wiki presentation: No explanation of limited depth: e.g. canned search results, clicking on map always produces 'Penguin' overlay regardless of what tank is clicked.
    • Fidelity:
      • Prototype is lacking fidelity in look:
        • Map is very unpolished, not strong enough information about current location.
        • Info overlay of animals inside clicked tank is not well explored - how is info displayed when there are multiple animals in the tank?
      • Prototype covers GR2/3 scenarios fairly well, but it isn't obvious how the user 'finds out information about an interesting red fish they saw.'
    • Usability
      • Home page is great, very clean and simple. Animal detail page looks great.
        • Animal search needs auto-complete, so users can see what animals exist at the aquarium.
      • Ticket buying page is good, but total price could be better displayed in grid. Expiration date doesn't need a traditional date picker (since only the month/year matters). Typically, this is two drop-down menus for MM and YY.
      • General:
        • Home button is a good idea, but needs click affordance and a text label might not hurt, since many users might not be frequent computer users.
        • Consider a global navigation bar (Tickets, Search, Map, Events). 
      • Map:
        • Instruction about 'click on tank for more info' might be useful on map.
        • Might be important to indicate, on the bottom, what floor the user is currently on, so they don't have to search each floor map for the star.
        • Tank detail overlay needs to be fleshed out (same as above) for cases when there are many species in the tank.
      • Graphic design improvements:
        • Add some aquarium-related colors to your interface (low saturation)
        • Brand each page with the NEAQ logo.
        • Use visible lines to separate content on the pages.
    • Overall:
      • Have suggested this before, but to help the user complete the high-level goal of planning an afternoon at the aquarium it would be good to show an overview of scheduled events happening at the aquarium. This is because clicking every event icon on the map might be too tedious and make event info undiscoverable.
      • This might split the Map/Events button into a Map button, and Events button.
      • The usage model might be: open the app, see what is still happening today at the aquarium (i.e. events that are still upcoming), and click buttons to setup reminders about each event I'm interested in.
  2. Unknown User (