Lab-bench biologists find it difficult to use many existing tools for their data analysis. These tools are generally command-line computer programs written by computational biologists. Computational biologists do not have time to create user-friendly interfaces for their programs, and often find themselves spending a lot of time helping lab-bench biologists run their programs. This creates a burden for all involved: lab-bench biologists cannot move forward with their data analysis, and computational biologists cannot move forward with their research.
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Computer Prototype
Platform and Software Requirements
Our software can run on any modern browser. We have tested our code on several browsers and it seems to work best on Chrome and Safari.
Our software is accessible at the following URL:
In order to see some canned data that a lab-bench biologist might see, log in with the following info:
username: alpha
password: beta
In order to see some canned data that a computational-biologist might see, log in with the following info:
username: gamma
password: delta
When selecting notes, history, or scripts to use/edit, select "Monte Carlo", since all of our screens have canned data associated with that script.
Prototype information
Since there is no back-end yet to our interface, all the data you will see is canned. As mentioned above, we have created all of our screens with canned data corresponding to the Monte Carlo script, since this was the script we used in our Paper Prototype scenario. Selecting one of the other scripts should not cause the interface to crash, but the output you see may not make sense.
We have implemented enough of the functionality so that you should be able to see all of the screens we have designed. All buttons on the home screen should link to the correct screens (notes, history, add/edit a script, use a script), and buttons on these screens should show popups and tooltips with canned data.
When you click buttons that would require mostly back-end work such as Save, Load Parameters, Share, etc., nothing will be saved, even if feedback is displayed on the UI confirming the action.