The following set up will allow you to work on the Raft3 app in your local environment (http://localhost) while connecting to the dev servers for authentication and services.
Installation of Required Software
Download and install node from here: http://nodejs.org/download/ (doc written using V0.10.16)
Checkout Raft3 code
Create a new project in PHPStorm (or your favorite IDE) and pull the code.
svn root: svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/mitbi
project: php/trunk
You'll get more than just the front end app but this allows us to be consistent when merging
Create a local server directory
The app lives in the public directory (trunk/zend_framework/public/)
In this public directory you need to create a copy of the existing server directory. Call it local_server and configure it so svn will ignore it (we want this to remain locally on your machine only).
Certificate Installation
These certificates are used to proxy to the test server using your credentials.
- Go to Firefox/Preferences/Advanced/Encryption/View Certificates and click on your certificate and click the Backup button. In the Save Dialog box, save your certificate as a pks12 (.p12) file in your server directory (neatest if you save it in a cert subdirectory).
- Using your terminal, CD to the cert subdirectory.
- Create a .pem file: openssl pkcs12 -nodes -in yourcert.p12 -out yourcert.pem
Now remove the password from your .pem file this way: openssl rsa -in yourcert.pem -out yourcertNoPassword.pem
From the Authorities tab in FF, e
xport and save the "MIT Certification Authority..." certification to a file name mitCA.pem in /zend_framework/public/local_server
/certs folder