This is the home of the MIT SAP Development Standards space.

This space is being contructed to replace the old SAP Development Standards website on Athena:

(formerly: ) 

MIT ABAP/4 Developers Checklist

SAP Development Standards Document

WD4A How Tos

Intercepting and Logging E-mail via Z_SENDMAIL

E-mail Handling Categories

MIT ABAP/4 Function Modules

SAP Dropbox

ZUTTREQ - The Transport Request Email Utility Program

SAP Development Standards

To All MIT ABAP Programmers:

All new or rewritten programs must be submitted to the ABAP Review Team at the same time as the request for import into SF5.

Before submitting a program for review to the Review Team, developers should check their own programs against the MIT ABAP/4 Developers Checklist .

Developers who are not familiar with our code review can request that a Review Team member walk them through the process of doing a pre-review for the first time.

The ABAP Review Process:

  1. Developer pre-reviews the program.
  2. Developer submits program for review by emailing ABAP-REV@MIT.EDU
  3. Program is imported into QA (SF5)
  4. Within two buisness days, a Review Team member will review the program and post the review to ABAP-REV@MIT.EDU
  5. Developer addresses any required issues raised by the reviewer.
  6. Reviewer who wrote the original review confirms that the issues have been addressed.
  7. When QA testing has happened and the businesss owner has signed off, the program moves into production.