DOT Charge


The Digital Operations Team, originally formed in March 2009, was born out of a need to streamline the communication and decision-making processes at an operational level for digital library projects and the ongoing maintenance of the Dome system.  Participants were chosen to represent specific roles in the overall project lifecycle.  In the new organization, DOT is an IR cross-functional team that provides a centralized service across the Libraries for digital collections targeted for preservation and access via local repositories (Dome and DSpace@MIT) or external access providers.  Reporting in AMES, its charge is now formalized as follows:


Beverly Turner, chair; Carl Jones, Mikki Simon Macdonald, Jennifer Morris, Ann Marie Willer


Reporting to the AMES Co-Head for Metadata and Enterprise Systems, the Digital Operations Team is responsible for the oversight, coordination, and integration of the functions and services used to create, manage, and provide access to curated digital library collections. 

To accomplish their charge, the Team as a whole:

In addition to these shared responsibilities, individual members of the Team have specific responsibility for maintaining and managing aspects of data and/or operations within their functional areas.  Finally, members of the Team act in a liaison role with the other staff in their functional areas.

DOT Operating Principles (DRAFT)



Items selected must be free of any rights issues.  Visit the Office of Scholarly Publication website for copyright information.

These criteria were developed by the DOME Selection Criteria Task Force in 2009 and have been in use since then.

Research Publications:

Preservation & Conservation Services:

Digital projects vary greatly in size, scope, and purpose, and correspondingly, the type and amount of preparation required for the materials will also vary by project.  PCS in-house procedures for preparing digital project materials (in use since 2008) are summarized at The level of service provided by Preservation & Conservation Services for a digital project will be negotiated as part of the project planning process and may include the following:


File naming:

