Active Action Items
Draft paper to Mark by Friday, Oct. 7
Catherine's Suzaku poster wishlist:
Peak & FWHM vs COR for early (CI off) and late (CI on) for XIS1 and XIS3 (Thank you Bev!)
Catherine work out an analytic model (what does all this mean?!?)
Catherine send paper appropriate figures to Eric
Catherine send to Bev copy of her line fitting (20110607, and the forgotten bits on 20110620)
Catherine show that line centroid is good proxy for CTI (20110621--CEG posted to Data Products)
- then we can just use that and not worry about XIS CTI metric
Catherine spot check line fits (20110621--CEG convinced that results are consistent between different bkg levels and src count rates)
Catherine convince herself that ACIS QE drop goes away with CTI correction (20110622--mostly goes away. QE drop goes from ~12% to ~3% over 11 years)
Catherine find the cut-and-paste text from previous ACIS papers, send to Eric (20110705--sent some text from SPIE2007 paper)
Catherine make half-life plots
Bev find the cut-and-paste text from previous XIS papers, send to Eric
Bev make half-life plots using Catherine's fitting method
Bev check spectra for source contamination
ALL add paper-appropriate text explanations of data processing to all figures in Data Products
ALL think about MWB comment about frame-to-frame variations in background effect the FWHM; CI overwhelms the variation;
Bev make new plots of line center and FWHM vs. COR using Catherine's fitting method
from 2008 paper, will look for script that made them and verify that it's still flat; revisit with non-XIS2 devices
20110504--bev posted xis1 & xis3 plots for 201101 to Data Products
Catherine will think about equivalent for ACIS, flat FWHM, but are FI wiggles due to background wiggles? compile bkg data in same time bins
Bev confirm that ACIS and XIS are using the same high energy reject metric; time units and spatial area? what is being rejected on-board?
Eric look at literature cited in outline and pull out text (orbital environment, background, describe instruments)
Eric begin latex document for A&A (downloaded A&A template)
Eric add PDFs or ADS links to publications
Eric add space for Leaky Buckets presentations (posters, talks slides) to Publications page (20110620--CEG)
Eric maintain action items page
Completed Action Items
ALL have an outline for Mark
- outline is sent to Mark (2011-01-28)
- here is a link to an attachment: Outline PDF
- 20100210--comments from Mark here
Eric combine outlines
Eric convert action items page
ALL decide on common CTI metric (which grades, which pixels in island, which rows)
- use center pixels
- XIS cal source regions-
- both use all telemetered grades (minus 255 for XIS, minus 5 Bev grades for ACIS, S3 only uses g02)
Bev will try restricting grades, esp. for BI
- 2011-05-05 decision to not pursue CTI metric for XIS
Bev make CTI plots for XIS upper rows (1 month bins)
- 20110210Bev has IDL script set up, pixel fits (center pixel pulseheight and trailing pixel) are working for all detectors/quads, CTI calculation is not working completely
Catherine replicate same plots for ACIS, pending Bev's results
- 2011-05-05 decision to not pursue CTI metric for XIS
Catherine replicate existing Bev plot (monthly plots of FWHM, summed pulseheight centroid)
- 20110210--CEG has framework set up, waiting on flaky disk
- 20110217--CEG posted plots to Data Products
- 20110407--CEG made plots for IACHEC, For paper, want just combined plots, peaks (eV)/5894 eV – same y-range, widths in FWHM (eV)
20110407--CEG a few slides for IACHEC, summarizing our goals and what we're doing IACHEC slides
