
I've made this on-boarding plan to help you get to know the team better and get more context on what we are doing. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!
Welcome to the team! Glad to have you join us!

Best Regards, 

Fill in the details for the new hire with the List Data macro.




Estimated Time

Join Date

Team Buddy
To help you get started on your team you'll be paired with

who will be helping you learn about your role, how we work and what you need to know to get things done.

Add important links in this Repeating Data macro for easy and quick access.

(info) Quick Links


Write an introduction that summarises the purpose, expectation or goal of the on-boarding plan in this Text Data macro.


Use the Table Data macro to create a schedule for the new hire.


(lightbulb) Some tips

Add useful tips that will help new hire kick off their journey in this Repeating Data macro.

(star) Meet your team

List the team members that new hire will be working closely with in this Table Data macro.

NameRoleWhat they can help with

(tick) Milestones

List the milestones to help new hire stay on track in this Table Data macro.

GoalFinish DateNote