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- Overall Timing Reminder (should be done by now, Jan 25 drop dead)
- Review status
- Kerri Cahoy Rookie of the Year Award (Jackie Robinson award in MLB)
- 523 Complete Folders out of 545 started. 523 compares to 466 last year.
- 162 Probably Reject
- 221 Admissible and sent to Sectors
- 140 need GAC to finish reviews (BLW to twist arms - 3 are behind and should discuss, others tracking to end of week)
- We are a little behind and should just finish
- Review rejected URM & Female candidates
- BLW to project list of URM and Female and discuss real time
- Open house: Open house is March 15th
- Improved format from last year (thanks Beth!) to be continued
- Faculty participation
- Karen/Jaime to encourage this, other ideas?
- Set expectations in acceptance letter (was this done last year as planned?) - make appointments with individual faculty
- Beth to tell us how travel reimbursement works for students based on last year. Modify acceptance letter?
- Sector meetings being scheduled (any update?)
- USAF academy rankings should be here (BLW requested)
- Yield data (survey to faculty) went out from Karen. Jan. 21 due date, suggest Karen followup Jan. 18 (Fri)
- Any comments on the process, suggested changes for the future?
- Open discussion
- BLW observation. Our increased volume of applicants, but non-volume-based criteria for sending to Sectors, may be sending too many low-quality applicants to the faculty.
- Our cutoff for sending to Sector might be adjusted upward or redefined given applicant volume vs. Admission Need.
- Last year 104 were Admitted, yet 271 were sent to Faculty to read
- As of 1/13/13, we have 202 Folders done by GAC with 3+ average score, and 142 between 2 and 3. Numbers not final but one might think that all our Admits (assuming similar to last year) could come from 3+ bucket
- This would essentially pull Needed student volume (from faculty survey) forward in the Admissions process
- Discuss?