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  1. General comments:
    Goal of this assignment was to explore different designs to achieve a high level goal - unfortunately, the overall flow of all 3 designs were pretty much the same. In general, would have liked to see different ways of presenting instructions to the user on how to annotate. Also would have liked to see different ways of erasing/correcting a mis-annotated picture.

    For Design 1:
    How will users know to annotate? You mention an instruction screen but what does that look like?
    Agree with efficiency remarks.

    For Design 2:
    Seems like the “comparison” view is just a more mobile friendly version of Design1’s “comparison” view (aka bigger and more scrollable).
    What if one makes an error when annotating? You mention this but how will erasing happen? A button? Swiping? Would like to see this on the actual drawn out paper design.
    Details screen identical to one seen in Design1.

    For Design 3:
    How do users know to take a picture of the barcode?
    For the “Choose Axis” screen, I have no idea what to expect on the next screen. Initially, I was confused as to if clicking on an axis will show me properties of the bike I just took a picture of or the aggregate of all the bikes I have taken a picture of. The UI also brings up confusion as to whether pictures should be taken all at once before the “Choose Axis” screen is brought up or whether this screen will appear after each successive picture is taken.
    For safety, I care more about what the UI will do and handle errors, not necessarily why an error occurred.