In the bottom of this page you find the spectra, responses and background files necessary to reproduce the spectral analysis in Kettula et al., 2013 (A&A, 552, 47) which yielded results summarised in Fig 1.
Fig.1: The average relative difference (diamonds) +- the error of the mean of the fluxes (solid line) and temperatures (dotted line) for different instrument pairs in the soft band (left side of the plot) and in the hard band (right side of the plot)
*Cluster* *Instrument*
A1060 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
A1795 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
A262 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
A3112 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
A496 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
AWM7 Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
Centaurus Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
Coma Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
Ophiuchus Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3
Triangulum Suzaku/XIS0 Suzaku/XIS1 Suzaku/XIS3