Claire M. started creating this part on November 15th, 2019.  However, many things went wrong, and it is still unfinished.  Part created out of 1" thick phenolic stock.

Creating Blanks

Initially waterjet 4 disks (enough for one blank) because of a misinterpretation on my end (should have made enough for 2 blanks, so 8 disks).  Another project (M103, Phenolic Cap) was also waterjetting on same day, but accidentally used 1" stock instead of a thinner stock.  This error lead to 2 additional 5.2" diameter disks of phenolic, which are going to be used for this project.  Currently planning on correcting the error by waterjetting two more disks, both to 5.2" diameter, on Monday in Todd Shop if possible.

Two 5.2" diameter and four 4.5" diameter disks are currently on the shelf in the prop shop.  Phenolic stock left in Todd Shop (inaccessible during the weekend).


Will happen as soon as 2 additional disks are waterjet (hopefully by Monday afternoon).  Gluing will include sanding down shiny sides of the phenolic to increase surface area, mixing proline (100 resin to 16 hardener), and then placing glued part under press in Gelb.  Only potential challenge with this step will likely be centering all of the disks (given that they are of two different sizes).


Will also happen.  Likely on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.  Waiting on drawing to be approved to start planning how I will turn this.

Manufacturing Defects

This whole comedy of errors (human error).

Suggested Manufacturing Improvements

Correctly waterjetting the amount of disks needed, as well as using the correct sizes for parts.

Design Improvements



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