Appending Prefix and Suffix
Assembling Reaction
- Get PCR tube (0.6mL tubes), not the strip tubes
- Thaw Pfx supermix on ice
- Get primers for gene of interest
- Add the following:
Volume | Item |
22.5uL(for 35 cycles) | Pfx Supermix |
2uL | 5uM Forward Primer |
2uL | 5uM Reverse Primers |
1uL | Template DNA(~150 ng) |
Calculating reaction conditions
- Use or VectorNTI to calculate primer temperatures of primers without common overhangs (Base pairs 30 to end when read 5' to 3')
Primer | Melting Temp |
FW |
RV |
- Pfx elongates at a rate of 500bp per 30s. Look up the length of the gene of interest and calculate time of elongation.
- If you get the melting temperature of your primer from genious, the annealing temperature will be that number subtracted by 2.
Programming a thermocycler
..... need to look up what kind we have in TK's lab
A typical cycle follows:
Initial Denaturation: 5min @ 95C
Loop (30-35 cycles)
Denaturation: 30s @ 95C
Annealing: 30s @ temperature calculated above (55-65C normally)
Elongation: 30s per every 500 base pairs @ 68C
Final Elongation: 15min at 68C
Store: 16C