- Miniprepped more hEF1a: PirBTCSG4. Some worked!
- ^ Midiprep inoculating.
- ^Also cell stock
- PCR'd LilrB2 and YFP. LilrB2 band is too low. YFP didn't work.
- Midiprepped TREt:YFPCofilin and TREt:TEVpCofilin. (Looks like YFPCofilin wasn't digested, but I can definitely see lighter bands in the right place. And it had been verified before so I am confident it worked.)
Update on the sequencing of pENTR_LilrB2: It's correct. One of the middle primers did not bind, but it had bound previously, showing that that portion of the gene is fine, too. And it's in the middle of the gene.
The problem with LilrB2TCSG4 was that the last 1/4th of the gene was missing, NOT from the middle. So, yes, missing middle chunks of genes is still unlikely.
HL, hEF1a: PirBTCSG4 undigested, hEF1a: PirBTCSG4 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, TREt:YFPCofilin undigested, digested, TREt:TEVpCofilin undigested, digested
Slightly prettier picture: