• Increase reliability of cameras

    • Pot connections

  • Get some kind of feedback

    • Use lights on cameras, have something check for specific pattern after a few seconds 

    • If possible, add feature to turn cameras on again if they are detected to be off

  • Tests

    • Check what light blinking patterns correspond to and how reliably they represent when cameras are recording

    • Swing connectors around to ensure connections stay intact

    • Integrated vibe test, checking video after

  • Action Items

    • Order cameras - done

    • Check different epoxies for connections - someone non avionics to help

    • Check lights/recording (test 1)

    • Determine go-no go procedures

      • Something like, go only if __/3 cameras are confirmed recording, or there is less than 2 hours left in the launch window

      • Write these later with more information from other tasks

  • No labels