August 12-17, 2019


Syöte, Finland


PDF of agenda

High latitude ISR Fact sheet

List of Groups (pdf)

Experiment proposals for all 6 groups

ISR school pictures (Craig Heinselman)

GUISDAP information page with link to download page:

Direct link to download page:

Python program that plots ESR 32 m data on a map:

GUISDAP overview

Map of Oulu





Past years ISR school wiki pages

MIT small radar site



09:00 Shuttle from Oulu train station to Pikku-Syöte

11:00 Arrive at Pikku-Syöte, Check-in, accommodate everyone 12:00 Lunch

13:00 Welcome (Thomas Ulich, Elizabeth Kendall)

  •  Introduction of participants and instructors (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)
  • Addressing computer needs and other logistics (Thomas Ulich and Bill Rideout)
  • Group assignments (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)

13:45 Introduction to the Ionosphere (Anita Aikio)

14:30 ISR as a Black Box (Bill Rideout)

Group Exercise

15:15 Coffee Break

15:45 Radar 1: Radar Physics (Anthea Coster)

16:30 ISR Theory 1: The Short Introduction to Incoherent Scatter (Anita Aikio)

 17:15 Ionosphere Radar Data Examples (Anita Aikio)

17:30 Madrigal Database and Group Work (Bill Rideout)

Group exercise 1: Web Interface

Group exercise 2: Writing scripts

Madrigal ipython notebook example

19:00 Dinner


07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Ionosphere – Radar Data Example Discussion (Anita Aikio)

08:45 Radar 2 (Ilkka Virtanen)

09:30 Radar 3: Statistical Signal Processing (Roger Varney)

10:15 Coffee Break

10:45 ISR Theory 2 (Roger Varney)

11:30 Interpreting Incoherent Scatter Radar Data (Ian McCrea)

12:15 Lunch

13:30 Experiment Design and Data Analysis:

 EISCAT - Carl-Fredrik Enell

SRI - Ashton Reimer

Millstone Hill - Bill Rideout

14:15 Arecibo, and Jicamarca modes during experiments (Elizabeth Kendall)

14:30 Experiment Design (group work)

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Experiment Design (group work)

18:00 Deadline to submit group experiments

19:00 Start of Experiment Night – see separate timetable

  • (16 UTC to 22 UTC, 2 h per group, 2 groups parallel, 19 LT - 01 LT)
  •  Dinner – interleaved with experiments


07:30 Breakfast

08:30 EISCAT Scientific Association (Craig Heinselman)

09:00 History of Radar (including some facts about SGO; Thomas Ulich)

09:30 ISR Theory 3 (Ian McCrea)

10:15 Retrieve radar data and start to work on group assignments (incl. Coffee Break)

Eiscat data on Madrigal at

EISCAT schedule data download page

The data for PFISR and RISR-N is now processed and posted. Here are links to access the data:


group 6:

group 5:

group 4:


These are all "SRI" format hdf5 files. The PFISR data is also available in Madrigal at

The spectra files and Interactive RTI files are inside:

MSWinds26.v03 has an interesting precipitation event. Attached spectra with 15 minutes integration, also available through the interactive rti by clicking around 17UT:

PFISR D region Spectra:


Millstone Hill ISR:  On Madrigal at


Jicamarca:  On Madrigal at


TEC Data:  Iono files and images dropbox link; Format of iono file


12:00 Lunch

13:00 Excursion

19:00 Banquet


07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Pitfalls in Geophysical Data: Dealing with Errors (Thomas Ulich)

09:15 Data Analysis and Fitting 1 (Ashton Reimer)

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Data Analysis and Fitting 2: (Carl-Fredrik Enell)

11:15 ISR Science Highlights (Ian McCrea et al.)

12:00 Lunch

13:00 The NSF Upper Atmosphere Facilities Program (Carrie Black, via video link)

13:30 Work on assignment and presentation (incl. Coffee Break)

19:00 Dinner


07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Question and answer session (all)

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Active ionospheric modification (Antti Kero)

11:15 Phased arrays (Craig Heinselman)

12:00 Lunch

13:00 AMISR (Roger Varney)

13:30 EISCAT_3D (Craig Heinselman)

14:00 Work on assignments and presentations (incl. Coffee Break)

19:00 Dinner


07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Student presentations (3x30 min)

Group 2

Group 6

Group 4

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Student presentations (3x30 min)

Group 1

Group 5

Group 3

12:00 Conclusions, Evaluations, and Closing Discussions

12:30 Lunch and packing

14:00 Departure: Shuttle from Pikku-Syöte to Oulu train station

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