May 20 - Development Meeting John, Phil, and Kirky

Principals - Mapping iLab user and authentication sceem and credentials that authenticate use

Walk though
User from LMS, authenticated user who is going through the LMS and hits an activity - goto iLabs
how smoothly can we have this happen - without breaking iLabs

ASP.NET either have IIS do authentication (active directory, windows authentication, http authentication)

  • problem with windows authentication - have to have account on machine - not viable
  • http authentication will not work - not viable
  • active directory authentication

ASP.NET forms authentication

  • currently using - when you open a form the pages checks the session and if not valid redirects to login

Build system to allow - select from alternative authentication modules

  • local database
  • external module like active directory

Single-signon system provides who user and possibly a few attributes (CAS, SHIBelth)

URL to point in SB that requires authentication
SHIBLTH modelue intercept - redirect to central SHIBITH - redirect to SB forms authentication

Master Authenticator
multiple authentication modules - one for each type

Authentication done by LMS - don't want to create account manually the first time - need to get info from LSMs to create account and assign groups

Notification that user is coming in - hopefully know user - if not get info and create the account-
LMS redirect to my clients page

user name and group and client and authentication entity .....

Forms authenticator - create session cookie, context object


groups will already exist - done offline

external authentication - requires modules to be written in each system
single signon - configure forms authenticator - UQ - Active Directory
Forms authenticator that delegates to multiple types of authentication
John - interested in single-signon - active directory

Master Authenticator - which authority and what type of authority

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