
Distribution of Incoming Monograph Materials

Distribution of selected material before MCU receipt:



Archive materials

Rare books cataloger

Audio books

Original cataloger

Books with accompanying sound recording

Onsite Music catalogers


Original cataloger

Cartographic materials (including maps, atlas's)

Cartographic materials specialist


Original cataloger

Items from mono acquisition selected for Fastcat

FastCat catalogers Cataloging Assistant

Music sound recordings
Music books with accompanying sound recordings
Music CDROMs
Music videos
Music scores

Onsite Music catalogers

Rotch limited access (LMTA, LMTD)

Rare books cataloger (****)

Videos (DVDs and VHS tapes

Video specialist

Copy catalogers search and catalog upon receipt new acquisitions and gifts:

• with DLC copy
• with acceptable contributed copy for books and microforms
• which can be added to existing Barton records as continuations, seconds or addeds (any format)

The Offcat shelf

Items going out offcat are sorted by Brandie Doyle and a student assistant according to whether a brief record for the item exists in Barton or not.

New acquisitions that cannot be cataloged by copy catalogers are:



Books with unacceptable or no copy

Offcat shelf

Videos and non-Rotch microforms with unacceptable or no copy

Non-print shelf


Serials shelf

Conference proceedings determined to be serials
(For guidelines see Conference proceedings: when to forward to Sercat, below)

Serials shelf

Materials for the Rotch Limited Access collection

Rare books cataloger (****)

Materials for the Archives

Rare books cataloger

Items whose copy holds wrong or questionable

Professional catalogers

  • No labels