Meeting Notes - Feb. 21, 2008
- Yakov Ostrovsky
- Judy Maro
- Gordon Kohse
- Phil Bailey
- Kirky DeLong
- Phil Long
- There is still an issue with launching the VI through the web browser. If this is not solved by monday, we will replace the computer with a newly installed one.
- The cameras are in place and online. there may be an issue with the microphones since they are sensitive enough to pick up over head announcements and people voices.
- Judy talked with Scott and he is interested in the online version. Jr. Physics lab will not use it for this semester, but maybe in the fall.
- Additional network drops have been requested but can't be installed until the reactor is shut down for maintenance.
- Testing will continue, what happens when the reactor unexpectidly shuts down or the computer unexpectidly crashes? Can use the detector numbers to popup warning to the users.
- Finalized sample list - recommendations have been submitted but no final decission has been made.
- Gordon will be doing a demo of the new VI interface for David and will let the team know when so that no one is making update to the system at the same time.
- Procedural issues with remote operation. Check with Ops and RPO for final approval of "opening the beam prior to remote operation, locking the beam area gate and walking away". This has been discussed and verbally approved by Fred. Locks still need to be added to gates - should the locks have the same or different key than the beam?
- Osciloscope issue - can see the noise?
- How will the students know if the motors are turned off or on if they can't hear them - is there a visual representation on teh VI interface?
Next steps list
- Kirky
- add links to Service Broker
- Create a mailing list
- work on website
- Yakov
- will follow up with the samples and get them installed when the have been decided.
- will post pictures and drawings to the wiki
- will follow up about network drops
- Phil
- will work on the VI browser issue.
- install internet toolkit and .net studio 5
- Raymond
- local version
- data streams
- Low count pop-up message
- look at any bandwidth issues
- Gordon
- long-term item - saftey procedure review, Raymond wrote a first draft that could be added as a cover sheet.
- will work on the lack of counts issue
- will work with Raymond on the testing issues - what happens when the computer or beam unexpectedly shuts down
- Judy
- will finish the guides and add the pictures
- Phil Long and Jim Cain
- Testing of interface and documentation when it is ready to go
Meeting schedule
- Establish bi-monthly meetings
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