From Allen Chen
YESCA Liquid
1g Yeast Extract
10g Cas Amino Acid
into 1L ddH2O
1g Yeast Extract
10g Cas Amino Acid
15g Agar
into 1L ddH2O
Congo red (CR) and Brilliant blue (BB)
CR and BB are added before autoclaving b/c they are not sterile
CR (20 mg/mL) + Brilliant Blue G (10 mg/mL)
CR and BB can be made and sterilized using filters, and then added after autoclaving
Antibiotics (filtered stock) are added after autoclaving to avoid degradation
30ng/ul for Kan (if Kan resistance is on a high copy plasmid)
12.5ng/ul for Chlor (if Chlor resistance is on a low copy plasmid)