Proposed agenda:

  1. Draft High Level Categories (10-15)
  2. What might be missing (look at products and see where they land)
    1. Service Catalog Alpha List DRAFT 2_9.pdf
    2. Software Product Distribution Matrix.xlsx
  3. Split into sub teams and each take half the categories to map over next month


Final list of categories we will work with:

  1. Communications
  2. Identity Management
  3. Security
  4. Administrative Services
  5. Academic Services
  6. Connectivity/Networking
  7. Productivity
  8. Operational Services
  9. Software Development Services
  10. Support Services

Additional details added to the grid: Service Portfolio Brainstorm March 10, 2011

Pat, Garry and Chris will map 1-5

Oliver, Dave and Steve will map 6-10

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