
  • Primary : to provide MIT faculty and students information and support for technology resources that support their teaching, learning and research efforts.
  • Secondary : to allow the world to gain an understanding of how technology resources are used to support teaching, learning and research at MIT


  • Primary
    • MIT Faculty
    • Students
  • Secondary
    • MIT Administrators
    • Faculty and Students from other universities
    •  Educational Technology focused groups from other universities
    • Others?

Reference Sites

  • Primary
    • Current IS&T Educational Technology site
    • MIT’s Teaching with Technology site.
  • Secondary
    • Other universities’ EdTech Sites
    • Others?

Content Classification


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  • Name: EDTECH Structure


Teaching Resources

  • Course Management
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Multimedia(Images, Audio, Video )
  • Software (Mathematical , GIS etc)
  • Pedagogical Tools ( Special software, Clickers etc )
  • Assessment Tools (Online Course Evaluation)
  • Other (Eg: Travel Profile, Who teaches what? Websis?)

Research Resources

  • Server hosting
  • Document Management
  • Multimedia (Images, Audio, Video)
  • Web Development
  • Software

Template for each resource

  • Overview of the resource
  • Link to the resource (People can get to it via A-Z) as well
  • Statistics of use (Dynamic.. Talk to stellar team to provide dynamic data as an RSS feed)
  • Link to the gallery of use (under the practice section)
  • Help (A list of answers from Hermes with this search term


  • Examples of how faculty are using stellar, wikis, (Relate, Barbara Hughey etc), library videos, ilabs, etc
  • Assessment of Technology Ideas (David Singer)
  • Copyright Code from OCW
  • Summary statistics of use of various tools
  • TWT, ETC links
  • Ed tech grants links

Practice Gallery Template

  • Overview
  • Software used
  • Description of use case scenario
  • Statistical data on use
  • Feedback


  • Clusters
  • Learning Spaces
  • Classrooms
  • No labels