
The Pyxida Ground Station displays real time data downlinked from the vehicle, provides an interface for configuring the altimeter, and provides a way to review past flights.


Installing the ground station involves cloning this repository. Run setup.py and install pyside, pyserial, and matplotlib.

Alternatively, a binary version can be built using the included pyinstaller script to allow users without the dependencies to run the ground station.


To convert a .ui file to a .py file for testing your changes, run these commands in the main repository folder:

pyside-uic MainWindowUI.ui -o MainWindowUI.py

pyside-uic MockPyxidaUI.ui -o MockPyxidaUI.py

These commands must be re-run each time the UI file in the command is changed.


To run the ground station, run this in the main repo folder:

python GroundStation.py

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