GR4 - Computer Prototyping

Platform and Software Requirements

The user will require an Android mobile phone. Our targeted platform is Platform Version 2.1 (Eclair), though it should work correctly on devices up to Version 2.3.5 (Gingerbread). Android tablets are not* *officially supported.

Location Data must be enabled.
Network Data must be enabled (WIFI or 3G).

Instructions for starting Prototype

You will need two enable the installation of .apk files from unknown sources.

Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources  must be checked.
Download .apk files from the link below to ur computer.
Connect your phone to computer and copy all .apk files into the memory card of your phone.
Browse for the.apk file using an application such as Astro File Manager and you will be able to install it.

Shallow Parts of Prototype

  1. The MIT directory we use is not linked to the real, complete directory. All users in our directory were generated from hard-coded lists.
  2. We pre-populate lists of friends, events, and notifications to illustrate Discover.Me's features. User can add and delete friends. Also, user can cancel the events initiated by him/her.
  3. Some of the events in event list are initiated by the user and some by user's friends. 
  4. Our prototype is not connected to a network. All user updates remain on the local device.
  5. As the tester is the only Actual human using this application right now he/she will not get new notifications from friends. We have populated the notifications list with random entries to simulate received notifications.
  6. The location of the user will be the user's location; if it doesn't find it, it will default it to a random location around MIT.
  7. The location of friends are currently spoofed by randomly scattering them around the user's location.
  8. The selected location is always "Phil's Cafe and Study Center" and suggested meeting places are also hard coded.

  • No labels


  1. Hi all, great work! I've attached my HW2 with thoughts on some usability issues: HW2.pdf

  2. Unknown User (

    Great work. I really like the concept. A few minor things here and there. Discover_me_heuristic.pdf

    -Marco Alagna 

  3. Unknown User (

    Looks great, guys!  See my evaluation for some major and minor issues you should fix.  Discover.Me_HW2_Fox.pdf


  4. Wiki presentation
    : nice and clear, and good explaination of shallow vs. deep parts
    Fidelity: very good: looks like a final implemantation, and covers the scenarios
    Usability: lines are very informative but color isn't intuitive.
    notofications: need to use visual variables to separate which ones I need to reply and which ones are mere notifications. Also use informatiion scent so that user doesn't have to actively visit notification menu in order to see important events (friend requests or RSVP).
    controls: make it more obvious when user can edit them or not (disable editing when not suggesting a change).
    Overall: quite good realization and design stretches