Project HAAG - Homework & Assignments Aggregator

Table of Contents

Group members

Adrian V. Mullings, Mason G. Glidden, Ricardo P. Jasinski.

Problem statement

Students have to deal with a plethora of information sources in order to keep track of their homework and assignments. New tasks come in all the time via email or Stellar. If an assignment is unclear, students must check other online resources such as Piazza, Wikis, Forums, and Barter, to name a few in use this semester. Given the amount of possible sources, students risk missing assignments, readings, and homework. In other words, there is no immediate way of answering the question: what is due this week?

Our application will help students get organized, and reduce the amount of work to keep track of their academic duties. Individual assignments can be created by any student, and will be combined in a collaborative class feed. Other students in the same class will be notified, and can add the assignments to their personal lists. TAs and instructors can be involved in the process, and act as moderators.

The benefits to the user will be:

  • Peace of mind: any one could miss an assignment; an entire class is much less likely.
  • Less work: most students will simply subscribe to a class feed, and add incoming assignments to their personal list.
  • Ability to easily create a shared calendar for a small group project

GR1 - Analysis

Deliverable for GR1, due 2/26/12: user and task analysis for the project.

GR2 - Designs

Deliverable for GR2, due 3/11/12: scenario & storyboard designs for the UI.

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Deliverable for GR3, due 3/18/12: paper prototyping for the project.

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

Deliverable for GR4, due 4/15/12: computer prototyping for the project.

GR6 – User Tests

Deliverable for GC6, due 5/16/12: user testing for the project.

  • No labels


  1. gr4 comments:

    "Wiki presentation
    : Like the color coded table.
    Usability: Looks great so far! No egregious UI mishaps. Good uses of affordances.
    "Wiki presentation

    : Like the color coded table.

    Usability: Looks great so far! No egregious UI mishaps. Good uses of affordances.


  2. Good, concise report for GR6. I am a bit surprised that your testers did not find more flaws with your final design. While each iteration demonstrated improvements in usability, I still found the final implementation a bit confusing and rough around the edges (perhaps due to implementation flaws as well). It's good that you realized first hand that you are not your users! However beware that sometimes users don't know what they want either and it's up to you to effectively apply particular insights that will enhance usability.