Platform and Software Requirements
DJ App
Works on Chrome and Firefox
Audience App
This is a mobile application created through HTML and JS. For the time being the application can be tested best on the latest version of Google Chrome. It can also be opened on smartphones.
Starting Up the Prototype
DJ App
Audience App
Open a Google Chrome Browser and visit the following link: audience app
Christian: Focused mainly on the mobile web application side. Lots of work on the front end integrating jquery mobile, as well as integrating echonest which is an api for gathering, and displaying information about music/songs/artists
Malcom: Worked on dj app and integration between the two sides. Setup server running node.js. github commits
Angel: Fixed bugs. Worked on voting/ranking the song that is currently played. Fixed jquery mobile bug that didn't allow users to toggle between votes.
Kwesi: Designed entire DJ app and worked on/designed login/registration for DJ app.