Group Members 

  • Stephen Suen ssuen
  • Kathy Fang kfang 
  • Yi Wu wuyi
  • Connie Huang connieh
  • TA: Katrina Panovich

GR1 - User and Task Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR5 - Implementation

GR6 - User Testing

GR2 - Designs


Tiffany is a 24-year-old software developer working in San Jose, California. She is engaged to Brian, a nurse who works double shifts to make ends meet.

Because of financial reasons, Tiffany and Brian decide not to hire a wedding planner and opt to organize the event themselves. Tiffany takes the lead in planning the wedding, but is overwhelmed by the number of tasks to accomplish in such a short period of time. She uses Hitched to make a timeline of all the tasks and milestones that lie ahead (Task 1).

Because Brian works long hours, he cannot help with wedding planning, but would still like to keep up with Tiffany’s decisions and offer input. Tiffany’s best friend and maid of honor, BFFany, wants to help in the planning process. Brian’s mother, Lucille, constantly nags Tiffany about her progress and disagrees with many of Tiffany’s choices. Tiffany wants to make sure she can satisfy everyone else involved in the process by getting their input in an organized way (Task 2)

Tiffany synthesizes all the feedback and incorporates it into her timeline. At each stage of the process, she updates the involved parties when decisions are finalized (Task 3).

Individual Sketches

Kathy's Sketches


Design I: Populating and viewing the timeline
The user selects the date he/she wants to start planning the wedding, the date of the wedding, and types of events/tasks from a checklist. Then, the user sees a suggested timeline in calendar form, with event/task dates highlighted. The user can click on a month or day to zoom in and see details of a specific event. The user can change the task location, time, and description, and notify guests of these changes. The user can also see guests' comments or send guests a reminder about the event/task.

Design II: Log-in and home screens
These sketches show the log-in and home screens of a user's account. Upon logging in, the user sees two types of weddings: those that he/she can edit and those that he/she is tracking, but can't edit. Next to each wedding, the user sees the number of new notifications. When the user clicks on these notifications, he/she is brought to a new screen that displays the notifications in detail (i.e., new comments on events or new changes to event dates). Each wedding has a homepage that can be accessed from the notifications page. From the homepage, a user can view or search the wedding timeline or message the wedding planner.

Design III: Searching and commenting on an event/task
These sketches show a mobile interface. The user wants to search for an event on a a specific wedding timeline. The autocomplete feature increases search efficiency and enables the user to type fewer characters, improving accuracy because typing is often error-prone on a mobile device. The user can then view event details and see some previous comments. Most previous comments are hidden (and revealed upon clicking the load more button) because of limited screen space on a mobile device. Finally, the user can post his/her own  comment, after which he/she is taken to a page linked to other relevant actions (i.e., undo comment, search for other events).

Stephen's Sketches


Design 1: Linear timeline

The user is initially presented with a series of checkboxes (much like the "customized build" of Bootstrap) that allows him or her to specify which services, events, and features they would like to be included as part of the wedding, based on resources, personal preference, etc. A timeline of circles is generated from these choices, based on a sample order. The user is presented with this timeline, and can drag and drop the individual items to rearrange them along the timeline. Once the order has been confirmed, the user can then navigate through the events/tasks on the timeline one by one. Each circle on the timeline represents an event or task, and its color indicates the completion status so the user can see what needs to be done and their overall progress. When all events/tasks have been scrolled through, the user can see a summary page with an overview of all the items of the timeline.

Design 2: Requesting feedback/notifying parties

Tasks and events are displayed on a sidebar, broken down by month. For each action item, the user can see the details of their choices (venue, vendor, time, etc). They are presented with two options: getting input and notifying involved parties. For the first option, the user can pose a question in a text area. The pictures and details of all involved parties are displayed, and the user can select which specific people to solicit feedback from, much like a Facebook invitation. For the second option, they can review all the information for the task or event and then select which parties to notify with a similar interface as the first option.

Design 3: Calendar view (design for the elderly)

To make the interface more learnable for elderly users like Lucille, who may not have experience with modern web applications, this design makes use of a calendar metaphor. The events are highlighted on the calendar and only one event has focus at a time. These are stepped through one at a time to make everything clear and obvious to the user. Here I pursued two different possibilities: in the first, after reviewing all the events, the user is presented with a macro overview of the entire timeline and can submit feedback on the timeline as a whole. However, after more thinking, I felt a second option would be more suited for elderly users---for each event, they give a thumbs up or thumbs down, and only when they thumb down a specific task or event are they prompted for feedback on that specific item.

Connie's Sketches


Design 1: The user first sees two options on the landing page: seeing sample timelines or creating one of his/her own using a quick start feature.

Sample timelines emphasize the budget, amount of time spent planning, location and suggested milestone dates.
Once the user is ready, he/she can set up their own timeline using the information they have at the moment to populate a timeline of events to complete.
Getting input from other people involves going to a page that aggregates all of a certain type of info (i.e. the page that contains all the info about potential caterers) and dragging and dropping photos and hiring details into a message box that will send this information to users who also have accounts on our website. They will receive it as a nicely formated message that hey can respond to.

Design 2: The user goes through a similar process of populating a timeline as Design 1's process, but in this design they will have the option to expand the timeline into child timelines that are more specific to a type of task (finding/booking catering, finding/booking a venue, etc.) because all of these have different schedules that each contribute to the overall timeline of things to complete. Under each child timeline is also the option to add to-do list type tasks for actionables that do not have a deadline (one flaw of the timeline is that every item on it needs some date associated with it)

The user can share their timeline to a select group of people using a unique generated link. The people with access to the timeline will have the ability to click anywhere on the timeline and add a public or private comment in a Google Docs style, raising "issues" that the main user will have to resolve. This commenting system is designed to encourage specific feedback on specific decisions or deadlines on the timeline, while also being visible enough to generate discussion to help the main user make all the involved parties happy.

Design 3: This design is for the elderly. This is the interface a grandparent might use -- it is a simple calendar that only lists the important deadlines and dates that the bride-to-be is considering. Under each date entry, there is a smiley and frowny face. Clicking the smiley face will signal that the older user is happy with the choice. Clicking the frowny face opens up a box where they can send feedback about the event.

The older user should not have to deal with emails, accounts or anything other than a calendar, which they should already be familiar with.

Yi's Sketches


This is a design for the sign up page. The top screen is the home page, with a button to sign up at the center. In the right corner is the login button for returning users. When a user clicks on signup button, A popup screen will appear (bottom sketch) and it will have an option to sign up using facebook or making an account separately.

This page has 2 of my designs. The top two sketches represent an interface to ask wedding party, family, etc for input. The sketch in the top left corner is a textbox with a editing bar at the top. After the user write her/his message, he will click on submit, which will lead to the sketch on the top right corner. He/she can choose the contacts to send the message to and click on send. The message will then to sent to the contact's email or facebook depending on previous preference.

The bottom sketch is an ultra-efficient timeline design. The first node is start of planning date and the last node represents the wedding date. To add an event to the timeline, the user simply clicks on the line and a box will be created. He/she can then type the details of that event into the box.

Team Storyboards

Storyboard I



  • Relies on the calendar metaphor, which typical users are familiar with. The interface has external consistency with popular existing applications, such as Google Calendar or iCal. For example, users can view events by hovering over a date.
  • Uses menus and forms, as well as direct manipulation. This increases learnability because the interface relies on knowledge in the world, as opposed to knowledge in the head.
  • Notifications are shown upon log-in, so they are less likely to be missed.


  • Users can drag and drop certain events on the calendar. This allows them to alter event deadlines that they previously approved at any stage of the planning process.
  • Users can delete or edit tasks, and send notifications of these changes to wedding guests.


  • Checkform enables users to choose multiple events to include in their timeline (i.e, bridal shower, bachelor party, etc), rather than add each event on a new page.
  • Users can see multiple months at once, instead of seeing only individual months or days. This allows them to make changes quickly in multiple months (i.e., dragging and dropping multiple event deadlines in different months)

Storyboard II



  • Uses the menus and forms and direct manipulation interaction styles. Reliance on knowledge in the world and constant feedback increase learnability.
  • External consistency with common color connotations (red = incomplete, green = complete) make it easy to tell which tasks are complete and how much of the full timeline is done.
  • Users can see comment notifications directly on the timeline, so it’s immediately obvious which timeline items are generating the most discussion.


  • Tasks and events can be reorganized and edited throughout the process, even after being confirmed. Changes are reversible and thus the interface is safer overall.
  • Other users can see what the primary planner has done and comment on items even if feedback hasn’t been explicitly requested. They serve as safety nets during the entire process.


  • The “custom build” screen lets users quickly populate the timeline in bulk even though details may not be fully set in stone.
  • Tasks are scheduled based on a sample timeline and shortlisted suggestions are given for each choice, expediting the wedding planning process by doing the preliminary legwork.

Storyboard III




  • Utilizes a set of timelines (progress bars) that relies on knowledge in the world to master. Getting input from other user classes and sending out final decisions are both done through email, which is integrated into the site.


  • All events and tasks on the timelines can be dragged and dropped to the correct place. Users can also delete and retrieve old timelines and tasks as different aspects of the planning process change. However, the safety of getting feedback and delivering decisions is lower because of the ease of error when emailing.


  • Timelines are stacked so the user can choose to focus on the overall timeline that aggregates all tasks, or a sub timeline that helps them visualize all the deadlines and milestones of a specific aspect of the wedding (guests and invitations, catering, etc).
  • Each timeline also features a task management system to quickly add actionables to a timeline that may not have a deadline.
  • Using email and private links to relay information between the wedding planner and the relevant parties is efficient because every user already has an email.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Hi guys,

    Thanks for all of your hard work on GR2! Below are my notes from grading feedback. Grades should be up soon.

    Preliminary designs: You guys didn't adhere to the scenario in all of your storyboards. For instance, there wasn't always much information about what BFFany's role was in using the site. I'm also not convinced that you should spend a whole lot of time thinking about account creation, though how the user decides what actually goes into their wedding planning process is really interesting. I'd also like to encourage you guys to keep thinking about how and when you might want to use -- or not use -- the calendar/timeline metaphor. I think there are probably some ways of talking about this information that are different and perhaps beneficial.

    A few things to note going forward, for all of the groups:
    - Try to make sure your wiki is organized. Don't be afraid to create a table of contents, for instance.
    - You may want to refine your scenario for GR3. Note that you're going to be using your scenario to brief your users, so you may want to make it a bit more task-oriented.
    - Login and basic account creation are not a good use of your time for prototyping, unless you're planning on doing something really interesting with it. You can assume that basic signup flows work fine. (For you guys, deciding what stuff goes into the wedding planning process is indeed a good thing to prototype.)

    Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions.