- BLW real-time update on outstanding GAC Reads
- Review status
- 714 Complete Folders out of 739 submitted. (this includes 19 LGO applications and 9 CSE applications.) 739 compares to 737 last year.
- 112 Probably Reject
- 389 Admissible and sent to Sectors
- 213 still need GAC review completed
- BAM is caught up on assignment/tagging as of 10:30am - will continue as GAC reviews are finished.
- 714 Complete Folders out of 739 submitted. (this includes 19 LGO applications and 9 CSE applications.) 739 compares to 737 last year.
- Review ProbableReject URM & Female candidates
- BLW asks GAC for any they'd like to discuss?
- BLW to project list of URM and Female and review in real time
- Sector Admissions Meetings being scheduled:
- BAM remind GAC members of role in mtg.
- BAM collect from Meetings top candidates that aren't picked up, and consider them for TAs/Fellowships.
- Fellowships: Lozano/Roy/Balakrishnan/BAM will make decisions. Meeting schedule for that TBD.
- Any comments on the process (GAC, Sector, anything), suggested changes for the future? BLW reminds everyone it is critical to only recommend 1 additional Reviewer for a >=2 rated folder. Things that will be done for next year:
- GPA field will be a requirement next year, as will explanation of GPA
- BLW and BAM will analyze bar (currently 2.0) for moving folders from GAC to Fac after this season; has not been updated since 2011
- Timeline going forward FYI:
- January 21, 2019: All GAC reviews completed
- February 4, 2019: All faculty reviews completed
- February 6-14, 2019: Sector Admissions Meetings
- Feb 19-Mar 1: Students notified of admissions decisions - all decisions sent by March 1, 2019
- March 15, 2019: Open house (suggestions for improvement?)
- April 15, 2019: Graduate Reply Deadline
- May 31, 2019: Wait List is released.