Minutes for final review meeting, 1/28/2011
- Summary action items:
- Done: Nick to check with specific faculty on rejects of under-represented groups (Peters, Reyes Zayas, Strimpler, Wang)
- Done: Beth to fix Wu Zhengwei error
- Done: Beth to process latest fast-track accepts (Swaminathan, Bhujle, Dai)
- Done: Beth to convert from FT to AD on fast-track non-decisions (Atkinson, Loebner, Lin, Burns, CSALA, Gombolay, Rodrigues Quemel A Santana)
- Done: Nick to copy GAC roles at sector meetings to the GAC policy guide
- Done: Dave to create statistics on USAF candidates.
- Done: Dave to remind sector heads they are to run the meetings.
- Review any problem cases/problem rejects, especially under-represented groups
- Action item: Nick to check with faculty to ensure these are rejects:
- Peters, Eric: Check with Miller.
- Reyes Zayas, Vivian: Very high grades. Checked with Hamsa, remains REJ.
- Strimpler, Samantha: Check with Brian Wardle, Debbie Nightingale.
- Wang, Zhu: Check with Moe.
- Wu, Zhengwei: Misfiled? Action item: Beth to fix
- Won't consider further:
- Hafizi, Reihaneh
- Leuthold, Rachel
- Lugo, Valentina
- Nugent, Bryn
- Shin, Mihee
- Silva, Jackelynne
- Vaughan, Matthew
- Wilson, Cassandra
- Review fast-tracks, make potential admission decisions. Action: Beth to convert Bhujle, Swaminathan, Dai to FT
- Bhujle, Aditya, nickroy:4.0, moewin:4.0, waiting on jhow, frazzoli : recommend FT Dubowsky
- Dai, Wenhan, recommend FT for Moe. (Sorry Beth).
- Swaminathan, Anandh, nickroy:4.0, moewin:4.0, frazzoli:4.0, waiting on jhow: recommend FT frazzoli
- Mu, Beipeng, hamsa:3.0, modiano:4.0, moewin:4.0, waiting on arodoni. Nick to check with Modiano
- Action: Beth to convert these to AD
- Loebner, Keith, pal:4.0, qiqi:4.0, mmart:4.0, plozano:4.0: recommend AD
- Atkinson, Grant, hamsa:4.0, plozano:4.0, waiting on millerd, wardle : recommend AD
- Lin, Yi-Hsin for Balakrishnan, recommend AD
- Burns, William, nickroy:4.0, darmofal:4.0, missyc:4.0, arnoldj:4.0, waiting on frazzoli, srhall, recommend AD
- CSALA, Denes, mmart:4.0, qiqi:4.0, plozano:3.0, arnoldj:4.0, waiting on williams, recommend AD
- Gombolay, Matthew, nickroy:4.0, jhoffma1:4.0, arnoldj:4.0, waiting on millerd, frazzoli, williams, recommend AD
- Rodrigues Quemel A Santana, Pedro Henrique, nickroy:4.0, leveson:4.0, jhow:4.0, frazzoli:4.0, srhall, recommend AD
- Discuss sector target numbers and sector admissions meetings
- Vehicles is Monday, 2/14, will be attended by Manuel (except 11-12), Paul 11:15-12, 1-3
- Info is Wed, 2/16, will be attended by Nick+Moe
- Systems is not known, will be attended by ...
- Dave and Nick confirmed that each sector admissions meeting is run by the sector heads. Action: Dave to remind sector heads.
- Role of GAC member: act as a speedbump to manage yields, enforce NCAA letter of intent and recruitment rules, help in advising on calibre of students, trying to maintain uniformity, carrying messages back to the GAC for next year.
- Paul requested documentation on the role of the GAC member: Action: Nick to copy this to the GAC policy guide
- Briefly discuss Open House - Confirmed March 11
- Will be much like last year, one day, everything in bldg 33
- Beth will post agenda from last year, survey on the wiki.
- Beth noted that some things last year had to happen parallel – Beth will try and minimize these overlaps this year. But possibly no complaints anyhow. The overlaps probably can't ever be eliminated completely without going to a 2 day event.
- Try to avoid putting lab tours at the same time as when faculty are available. Beth will reach out to faculty when they are available.
- Paul suggests notifying faculty of Open House timing now: get them to block off the time now.
- Paul suggests getting Sarah Vega to do campus tour. But GA^3 does it usually. Sarah is a good suggestion if GA^3 can't.
- Dave noted last year we had some no shows at the poster session, that caused some grief.
- Lunch in 116 doesn't work in terms of traffic patterns. Food placement?
- Dave says feedback of open house has been good, just tweaks are needed.
- Review notes for next year: Notes for future years.
- Action: Dave to create statistics on USAF candidates.
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