Dome is a DSpace repository the Libraries uses for Distinctive Collections content. It is the main way that DDC provides access to digital content that can be made freely open online. The resulting links will be put into ArchivesSpace as digital objects. In order to add content to Dome, you must have an account and be in the proper group in the system. Contact the digital archivist if you need an account. Once you have an account, follow these steps:

Adding content to a Dome collection

If a Dome collection exists for the archival collection. Follow these steps to add material manually to the collection:

  1. Log in to Dome at the following link: 

  2. Navigate to the proper collection in the Distinctive Collections community in Dome

  3. Navigate to the relevant the collection and click the "Submit new item to collection" button

  4. Enter the Title and Date of Issue (use the creation date)

    1. For digitized material or where the content in Dome will match one to one what's in ArchivesSpace, the title will be the same as the archival object in ArchivesSpace
    2. For born-digital material that does not match one to one what's in ArchivesSpace, e.g. an aggregation of multiple items, you will need to either derive a title or create a generic one based on the accession title and the package id. This can be determined on a case-by-case basis.
      1. For example of a derived title: Ithiel de Sola Pool papers punch card data
      2. Ithiel de Sola Pool papers 2019 February digitization transfer 2019_105_001, etc.
  5. Select the language of the material

  6. Click Next

  7. Under Description add: "For more information about this item, visit [link to associated archival object in the MIT ArchivesSpace public user interface]"

    1. A link for instance:

  8. Click Next

  9. On the next page, click the browse button and select the file you want to upload.

  10. Once selected, Click Upload file & Add another

  11. If you have more files to upload, return to step 9. If not, click Next

    1. If you have a file list to add with a zip file, this is when you would add it.

  12. Review what you entered, choosing edit if you need to

  13. Click Next

  14. Check the box at the bottom of the page that says "I Grant the License" (this doesn't mean anything)

  15. Click Complete submission

  16. You must now add/edit metadata that you couldn't during the submission process

  17. Navigate to the item you just created

  18. On the right side of the screen under the "Context" heading click "Edit this item"

  19. Click the "Item Metadata" tab

  20. You will be adding a few metadata fields, in order to do so select the proper field from the drop down list and enter the information into the "Value:" box. When done click "Add new metadata"

    1. Select and enter the creator as displayed in either the archival object or from the collection level if there is not one at a lower level.

    2. Select dc.rights.uri and enter the uri for the appropriate rights statement. In most cases copyright will not be evaluated and you can enter " 

    3. In most cases where copyright is not evaluated, select, dc.rights and add the following: "This item may be under copyright. Please consult the collection finding aid or catalog record and the MIT Libraries Permissions Policy for more information."

    4. If you added a zip file, add an additional description by selecting the dc.description from the dropdown and add: "The files in this item are a grouping of multiple files from the collection, made available as a compressed ZIP file. For instructions on opening ZIP files, see: A file list of the contents of this ZIP file is also available under the "alternate file" heading if you would like to see what is contained within before downloading.

  21. If you need to edit what you entered, go to the field below and alter what it says. Once finished, click Update at the top of the page.

  22. If you need to delete a field, click on the checkbox next to it under the "remove" column. Then click Update at the top of the page.

  23. When finished editing the metadata you can click the "Return" button to go back to the item page.

Creating a Dome collection

If an archival collection does not have a matching Dome collection, it will have to be added in order to put new items in that collection. If you are an admin you can do the following steps to create a Dome collection. If you are not an admin, contact the digital archivist to create the Dome collection you need.

  1. Log in to Dome at the following link: 

  2. Navigate to the proper collection in the Distinctive Collections community in Dome

  3. Click the add a new collection link on the side menu
  4. Enter the title as it appears in ArchivesSpace
  5. In the "Introductory text" field, use this template to add information from the finding aid.
  6. Click Create
  7. Under the assign roles tab, create administrators for the collection by first clicking "Create" next to the Administrators section.
  8. Under "Search members to add put "DDC_users" and click the "Group" button.
  9. When the DDC_users group appears, click "Add"
  10. Click save
  11. Follow the same steps from step 7 but for the "Submitters" section, using the same "DDC_users" group.
  12. Once both groups are added you are finished and can move to the Adding content to a Dome collection section.
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