The Climate Collaboratorium is designed to harness the collective intelligence of the world in order to develop solutions to the challenges of climate change. You can help to make it better tool!
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You can also find a list of potential features that are currently under discussion here. Please feel free to comment on the list!
Thomas W Malone
do we really need the pop-up dialog box after the login dialog box?
Seems a shame that "plan" and "debate" are entirely separate arenas (particularly since it's possible to debate plans as well as simply "debate"). It would be nice if there was some way for the outcome of a debate to flow through to the planning area, or vice versa. Perhaps if a user had the ability to flag or link part of a debate as relevant to one or more plan choices? At least upon an initial tour of the site, the purpose of this structural division is not altogether clear.
Thomas W Malone
If we're going to have a password function, then I guess we need a "forgot password" button on the login screen.